Allgemeine Nutzungsbedingungen


General User Conditions Platform

  1. This document reflects the general terms and conditions applicable on the Platform Services provided by SNV to Users.
  2. Users are provided access to the SNV Platform provided that Users act in accordance with the terms and conditions imposed by SNV. The Platform Services allows Users to purchase Webcam Entertainment Services from the Performers registered on the platform.
  3. The Dutch Central Bank has confirmed on February 25, 2021 that under PSD2 the activities of ACW BV fall outside the scope of the Financial Supervision Act of the Netherlands (Wet op het Financieel Toezicht) on the basis of article 1:5a, paragraph 2, section K of this Act.


If You are a visitor or a User / buyer (hereinafter referred to as User) of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer on this Platform as exploited by (hereinafter: referred to as SNV), you must consult these General User Conditions Platform.These General User Conditions Platform describe the terms and rules applicable when the User visits this Platform and when he purchases Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performers registered on the Platform.

The General User Conditions Platform constitute all the rules of use of the Platform and govern the relationship between on the one hand you as a User of SNV's Platform and/or customer of Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performers on the Platform of SNV, and on the other hand SNV, as a technical Platform. These General User Conditions Platform do not apply to the Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performers to Users. SNV does not participate in the offer, sale and delivery of Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer. If you purchase Entertainment Webcam Services from a Performer, an agreement will come in place between you and the Performer, SNV will not be part to this agreement.Before you enter the Platform, you must read carefully and accept these General User Conditions Platform in whole, including the documents and other regulations that are part of it for reference. If you do not wish to accept these General User Conditions Platform or if you do not understand the language used, please leave the Platform.

1. General

1.1. These General User Conditions Platform supersede all prior conditions applicable between SNV and the User with respect to the SNV Platform.
1.2. By effectively using SNV's technical Platform, you are deemed to have accepted these General User Conditions Platform.
1.3. If you have any questions regarding these General User Conditions Platform you can consult the FAQ section (frequently asked questions) or contact SNV via the contact form that you will find on the Platform.
1.4. SNV reserves the right to modify these General User Conditions Platform. SNV will inform the User by placing the new modified General User Conditions Platform on the SNV Platform. In case of explicit request by the duly registered User, SNV will transmit the modified General User Conditions Platform by email or any other means. The changes take effect 14 days after publication or on the date specified in the notification. If the User does not accept the modifications, the relationship between you as a User of SNV's technical Platform and SNV will end, by the effect of the law.

2. Definitions

2.1. : refers to registered to a limited liability company (BV) with the Chamber of Commerce under number 52306054 with its offices at Zuid-Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL in The Hague (hereinafter: ACW BV).
2.2. Direct Payment: the payment by the User to Performer for the Entertainment Webcam Services other than via the E-Wallet.
2.3. Entertainment Webcam Service: service offered and sold by the Performer on this Platform to the User which service is rendered via the webcam.
2.4. E-Wallet (prepaid virtual credit): prepaid virtual credit on the name of the User serving to make discharge payments to the Performers who offer and sell their Entertainment Webcam Services on the SNV Platform.
2.6. General Conditions E-Wallet: general conditions applicable to the relationship between you as a User of the E-Wallet m and ACW BV.
2.7. General User Conditions Platform: general conditions applicable to the relationship between you as a User of the SNV Platform and SNV.
2.8. Login data: data giving access to the User account.
2.9. Payment Service: allowing Users to exchange money for virtual credits in their E-Wallet which credits the User can only spend for purchasing Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performers on the Platform. A payment from the User results in a discharge payment in respect of that which the User owes to the Performer.
2.10. Performer: the natural person who offers and sells Entertainment Webcam Services to the User via the Platform provided by SNV.
2.11. The Performer account: the personal registration of the Performer on the SNV Platform which contains the Performer's information and his account.
2.12. Performer Name: the name under which the Performer is listed on the SNV Platform.
2.13. Performer Profile: the complete description of the Performer made by the Performer on his personal page.
2.14. Policy Rules: documents prepared by the AC Group and published on the SNV Platform containing mandatory or non-mandatory rules which apply to use of the SNV Platform including but not limited to Privacy/ GDPR rules, Code of Conduct, KYC rules and AML rules.
2.15. SNV refers to a company registered in the commercial registry under number 122760, having its offices at the address mentioned below, , , , , and related companies and partners of SNV with the exception of the related company ACW BV.
2.16. SNV Platform: the technical Platform of SNV to which a number of websites are linked.
2.17. Start date: the date on which the User accepts the General User Conditions E-Wallet.
2.18. User: the natural person who purchases Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performer.
2.19. User Account: the personal registration of the User on the SNV Platform.
2.20. User Name: the name under which the User is registered on the SNV Platform but also the name which, combined with the personal password, allows access to the User Account.
2.21. User Information: all the information that you place yourself as a User on the SNV Platform or on your User Account, including registration data, feedback and all other messages.

3. User Requirements

3.1. The User must be a person with legal capacity or at least the age of majority in his country of residence and the power to enter into binding contracts.
3.2. The User must not be less than 18 years old and must have reached at least the legal age of use of the Platform.
3.3. The User Account is not transferable, in any form whatsoever.

4. Registration

4.1. To be able to register, the User must choose a User name and a password.
4.2. The User is personally responsible for the use he makes of his username and password.
4.3. The User must take all necessary steps to protect his password.
4.4. The General User Conditions Platform take effect on the date on which the User has registered and has accepted the General User Conditions Platform (effective date).
4.5. Registration as a User is completely free of charges.

5. SNV is only a technical Platform

5.1. SNV acts as a technical Platform allowing the Performer to anonymously provide the Entertainment Webcam Services to the User and the User to anonymously purchase the Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performer. 5.2. SNV does not control the Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer and SNV does not intervene in the Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer.
5.3. SNV only acts as a host. SNV hosts content and information that is placed by the Performer in his account, the Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer and information placed by the User (User Information) in his Account on the Platform.
5.4. SNV does not in any way verify the quality, safety or legality of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered, the Performer's competence to offer Entertainment Webcam Services and the User's ability to purchase Entertainment Webcam Services. SNV therefore does not guarantee the quality, safety or legality of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered, the Performer's competence to offer Entertainment Webcam Services and the User's ability to purchase Entertainment Webcam Services. SNV does not guarantee that the Performer will actually provide the Entertainment Webcam Services offered.
5.5. The User may obtain from the Performer paid Entertainment Webcam Services and also free Entertainment Webcam Services. The User and the Performer will mutually agree upon this.
5.6. The payment by the User to the Performer will be made by any means they have mutually agreed upon. In this respect ACW BV, which is a related company of SNV, offers the possibility for the User to make discharge payments to the Performers by making use of a so-called E-Wallet. The relationship between ACW BV and the User is governed by the General Conditions E-Wallet.
5.7. Under no circumstances is SNV a party to the offer, sale and / or delivery of Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer. Using the E-Wallet offered by ACW BV to the User to pay for the Performer does not change the above.

6. Absence of representation

6.1. SNV on the one hand, and the User on the other, are independent parties. Each of them acts in his own name and on his own behalf.
6.2. These General User Conditions Platform are not intended to establish / create an agency, agency agreement, corporation, joint venture or any other form of cooperation or to establish an employer or franchisor relationship. The above cannot be the subject of the General User Conditions Platform.

7. Entertainment Webcam Services

7.1. The price of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer is determined by the Performer himself. The price of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered is mentioned on the personal page of the Performer.
7.2. Entertainment Webcam Services and transactions are not approved and / or validated by SNV.
7.3. The User must ensure for himself that he has the ability to purchase the Entertainment Webcam Service offered by the Performer under the applicable law in his country of origin or in his country of residence.
7.4. It cannot be guaranteed that the Entertainment Webcam Services offered will be harmless for the User, for third parties and/or for their property.

8. Information and actions of the User

8.1. The User is solely responsible for the information he publishes on the SNV Platform.
8.2. Said information as well as all the acts of the User cannot:
a. be inaccurate, incorrect or misleading;
b. be insulting, threatening, damaging, slanderous;
c. infringe copyright, privacy rights or other rights;
d. violate the law and/or any other regulation;
e. contravene public order and / or morality;
f. be obscene, indecent or contain child pornography;
g. incur the liability of SNV and/or cause (in whole or in part) that SNV cannot exploit the Platform;
h. cause SNV's Platform to be broken, damaged or less efficiently operated, or have the effect that the SNV Platform is affected in such a way that its effectiveness or functionality is affected in any way.

9. Privacy and personal data.

9.1. SNV acts as a technical Platform allowing the Performer to anonymously provide Entertainment Webcam Services and the User to anonymously purchase Entertainment Webcam Services. As a result, it is recommended not to publish personal information (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, social network account).
9.2. Information about SNV's data protection is mentioned in the Privacy Statement of Users. In particular, it explains how SNV processes the User's personal data and how the User's privacy is respected when purchasing the Entertainment Webcam Services.
9.3. The User is personally responsible for the confidentiality of the corresponding identifiers to his User account and must himself take all reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of this information.9.4. SNV will inform the User in the event that his User Account is suspended. SNV will reenable User Account credentials as soon as possible and after the causes of the suspension have been resolved.

10. Fraud/AML/ abuse

10.1. SNV will, in the event of suspected fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, carry out an identity check. Failure by the User to cooperate with an identity check may result in the immediate suspension or termination of the relationship between the User and SNV.
10.2. In the event of suspected fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, or not complying with the General User Conditions Platform, the User is responsible for all losses suffered by SNV as a result of / or in connection with these actions.

11. Miscellaneous

11.1. In case there will be any payment obligation from the User towards SNV under these General User Conditions Platform, in addition to all other legal rights and remedies available towards the User by SNV, the amount at that moment remaining in the E-Wallet offered by ACW BV for the payment of the Performers, will serve as (partial) payment of such obligation.
11.2. SNV cannot be held responsible towards the User or a third party for any loss incurred by the User due to imposed transaction limits or other recoveries.

12. Litigation

12.1. The User accepts and acknowledges that SNV is not a party and therefore SNV cannot be held responsible for any dispute between the User and the Performer.
12.2. Claims or disputes arising from these General User Conditions Platform must first be reported to SNV online support.

13. Warranties

13.1. The User guarantees that he is over 18 years old. The User also guarantees to have reached at least the legal age of use of the Platform.
13.2. The User guarantees that he will comply with all laws, regulations and regulations applicable to the purchase of Entertainment Webcam Services by the Performers registered on the SNV Platform.
13.3. The User will not (attempt to) initiate, or take advantage of, fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of these General User Conditions Platform or a violation of the law or be in violation of applicable laws and regulations.
13.4. The User is obliged to pay the taxes, fees and commissions that may arise from the use of the SNV Platform.

14. Exclusion of guarantees

14.1. SNV does not warrant that the access to the Platform, the operation of the servers and the Entertainment Webcam Services of the Performer will be permanent, uninterrupted, fast / punctual, secure or infallible.
14.2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, SNV excludes all warranties, conditions or other terms, legal or implicit, quality or speed / punctuality in relation to the use of the Platform by the User.
14.3. SNV does not warrant that the use of the Platform offered by SNV will always meet all User requirements or will be permanent, secure, virus free and infallible.

15. Violation of the General User Conditions Platform

15.1. Without prejudice to the other means available to SNV, SNV has the right to immediately send the User a warning, to temporarily suspend or for an indefinite period the User's Account, to close the User's Account, to refuse to the User access to the use of the Platform when:
a. the User does not respect the General User Conditions Platform or the documents by integral part by reference; or
b. when it proves impossible for SNV to check the accuracy of the information provided by the User; or
c. SNV is of the opinion that the User is guilty of fraudulent activity, fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering or is involved in, or in any way connected with, such activities; or
d. SNV believes that the User, by its actions, causes or may cause damage to SNV.

16. Limitation of liability of SNV.

16.1. Entertainment Webcam Services offered and purchased on SNV's Platforms are not endorsed by SNV. The User is solely responsible for the legality of his actions. SNV declines any responsibility with regard to any dangerousness or defectiveness of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered on SNV's Platform that may be harmful to physical or mental health.
16.2. In no event shall SNV be liable for any direct or indirect (consequential) damages, including:
* any loss or falsification of data;
* any loss of profit (suffered directly or indirectly);
* any loss as a result of cybercrime;
* any loss of turnover;
* any loss of reputation;
* any loss of opportunity;
* any indirect, incidental, or other damages, regardless of whether the loss or damage is attributable to any changes made by SNV to the SNV Platform or due to temporary or permanent interruption of the SNV Platform, and regardless of whether it is due to negligence or any other cause attributable to SNV.
16.3. SNV's liability to the User whatever the circumstances is limited, in any event, to the aggregate of the amounts that the User has paid to the Performer(s) as a fee for the Entertainment Webcam Services in the six months preceding the legal act giving rise to the responsibility, the whole with a maximum of 150 €.

17. Compensation

17.1. The User agrees to indemnify and hold SNV harmless against any claim or claim whatsoever including reasonable attorney's fees from any third party that is attributable to or arising from the breach of this contract of use or documents by integral part by reference, a violation of the law or the regulation or an infringement of the rights of a third party by the User.
17.2. When the User has a right or a claim on the Performer or is in dispute with the latter following the use of the SNV Platform, the User has no right of recourse against SNV and the User guarantees SNV against any claim, seeking liability, damages, losses, costs and compensation, including legal costs, known or unknown, in connection with such a claim or such litigation.

18. Announcements and notifications

18.1. Statements, notices and other announcements to the User may be made by post, email, publications on the SNV Platform or by any other reasonable means.
18.2. All notifications to the User will be sent to the email address that he has indicated to SNV during the registration process.

19. Policy rules

19.1. SNV reserves the right to introduce policy rules to supplement or amend the conditions and / or to clarify the applicable provisions. The policy rules are an integral part of these General User Conditions Platform.
19.2. SNV can modify the policy rules. Important changes will be published on the SNV Platform.
19.3. Once these modifications have been published, the User may, within 14 days, inform SNV that he refuses to accept these changes. In that case the relationship between SNV and the User will end.
19.4. The policy rules to which it is referred, and which form part of these General User Conditions Platform are: SNV's privacy policy, GDPR policy as included in the cookie policy and the Users Code of Conduct.

20. Termination of the relationship with SNV

20.1. The General User Conditions Platform apply until the relationship between SNV and the User is terminated as described below.
20.2. If the User wishes to terminate the relationship with SNV, he can do so immediately and free of charge by closing his User account.
20.3. SNV may terminate the relationship with the User at any time without notice when:a. the User has violated an essential provision of the General User Conditions Platform or clearly shows, by the way he acts, that he does not intend or is unable to comply with the essential provisions of the General User Conditions Platform; orb. SNV is obligated by law.
20.4. The termination of the relationship between SNV and the User does not affect the rights, obligations and responsibilities arising from the law which governed the relationship between the User and SNV.

21. Governing Law

21.1. The law of Curaçao is applicable to the relationship between SNV and the User. Any dispute that may arise between the User and SNV, resulting from these General User Conditions Platform or any other agreement or any other action in connection with these General User Conditions Platform will be settled by the Court of Willemstad, Curaçao, except to the extent that binding rules of jurisdiction shall apply.
21.2. In the event of contradiction, whatever it may be, between the English version and a version in another language of the present contract of use, the English version prevails.
21.3. The court in Willemstad, Curaçao has exclusive jurisdiction in case of litigation.

22. Other

22.1. The User acknowledges that the rights and obligations arising from these General User Conditions Platform and all other documents that apply by reference, may be freely and automatically transferred by SNV in the event of a merger, demerger or redemption or any other form of restructuring.
22.2. The titles of the different sections of these General User Conditions Platform are purely indicative and do not necessarily indicate precisely the content of the articles to which they refer.
22.3. If SNV fails to act as a result of not complying by the User or by third parties of these General User Conditions Platform, SNV does not automatically waive the right to act in the face of subsequent or similar violations.
22.4. If SNV does not exercise or enforce a legal right or remedy set forth in these General User Conditions Platform (or to which SNV is entitled in accordance with applicable law), that choice shall not be considered to constitute a waiver of a right on the part of SNV. Nor can that choice be regarded as a waiver of a right to act in relation to subsequent or similar violations. SNV can and still has the right to exercise its rights or to implement the remedies.
22.5. The provisions of the articles bearing the titles: "8. Information and actions of the User", "13. Warranties", "16. Limitations of responsibility of SNV", "18. Announcements and notifications", "21. Governing law" and "22. Other" and other provisions and charges thereunder continue to apply after the termination of the relationship between SNV and the User.
22.6. These General User Conditions Platform together with the documents that form part thereof by reference and the policy rules followed govern the entire relationship between the User and SNV.

Code of Conduct of the AC Group for Users dated 13-07-2022

For buying the services from the Service Providers, who are registered on the platform of Shoshoro NV (the Platform) (the Services), the Users need to open an Users Account on the Platform and in this respect they need to comply with this Code of Conduct. The Service Providers (Studios and (Independent) Performers registered on the Platform are hereinafter referred to as the Service Providers.

In addition to the Code of Conduct (also referred to as: “Code”), Users are required to comply with the Users Conditions. Nothing in this Code of Conduct shall be deemed to amend, limit or otherwise impact any other obligations the User may have to Shoshoro NV (whether such obligation is written or otherwise).

Shoshoro NV will discontinue the relationship with any User who violates the Code or the law.

The Code is comprised of 3 sections. Section Sections A outlines standards for buying the Services from the Service Providers registered on the Platform. Section B adds standards relating to business ethics and Section C contains additional provisions.


In buying the services from the Service Providers , the Users are committed to uphold the human rights as understood by the international community and proclaimed under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's core conventions.

1. Free Choice

When buying the Services from the Service Providers, the Users will comply with the rule that all Service Providers have to provide the Services via the Platform voluntarily.

2. Child Labour/Abuse Avoidance

When buying the Services from the Service Providers, the Users will comply with the rule that child labour shall not be used under any circumstances. The presence of a child with the User and/or showing content of a child to the Service Provider when buying the Services from the Service Providers shall not take place under any circumstances.
The term "child" refers to any person under the age of 18 or 21 according to the applicable local laws.

3. Non-Discrimination

In buying the Services from the Service Providers registered on the Platform, the Users must maintain an attitude free of harassment and unlawful discrimination.

4. No threat to public or personal safety

In buying the Services from the Service Providers registered on the Platform, the User must maintain an attitude free of threats, violence and calls to violence. Showing weapons and/or drugs or content thereof when buying the Services from the Service Provider, should not take place.


Shoshoro NV requires the highest standards of integrity in all interactions between Shoshoro NV and the Users and in all business interactions between the Users and the Service Providers.

1. Business Integrity

In buying the Services from the Service Providers any and all forms of corruption, extortion and embezzlement are strictly prohibited.

2. No Improper Advantage

Users are prohibited to use their User Account as an item of value in providing, promising to provide, or offering to provide any item of value, directly or indirectly, to any government or public international organization officials, political parties.

3. Disclosure of Information

Users should not disclose information regarding business activities, structure, financial situation and performance, relating to Shoshoro NV, to any other party. Users shall act in accordance with applicable regulations and prevailing industry practices in this area.

4. Intellectual Property, Confidentiality, and Data Privacy

Users are prohibited from using any Shoshoro NV or third party patented technology, copyrighted materials, or other intellectual property or confidential information without written permission. Users are further prohibited from transferring, publishing, disclosing, or using Shoshoro NV's confidential information other than as necessary in the ordinary course of business or as authorized by Shoshoro NV.

5. Data Privacy Laws and Regulations

Users are required to abide by applicable data privacy laws and regulations.

6. Fair Business

In buying the Services from the Service Providers, Users shall maintain all standards of fair business.


1. Conflicts of Interest

Users must be free to act with total objectivity in their relationship with Shoshoro NV, and thus, must avoid conflicts of interest.

2. Regulatory Officials

Users have to be honest in discussions with regulatory agency representatives and government officials and cooperate with Shoshoro NV representatives in any internal or external investigations or audits of Users' relationship involving or related to Shoshoro NV.

3. Contacts

Users shall inform the Shoshoro NV online support if any situation develops that causes the User to act in violation of this Code. Users should promptly contact Shoshoro NV and work together in resolving the compliance concern. The SNV online support is available 24/7.


General User Conditions E-Wallet

  1. This document reflects the general terms and conditions applicable on the Payment Services provided by ACW to Users.
  2. ACW B.V. provides Payment Services to Users by allowing the Users to exchange money for virtual credits in their E-wallet. Users may only spend these credits for purchasing Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performers on the SNV Platform.
  3. The Dutch Central Bank has confirmed on February 25, 2021 that under PSD2 the activities of ACW BV fall outside the scope of the Financial Supervision Act of the Netherlands (Wet op het Financieel Toezicht) on the basis of article 1:5a, paragraph 2, section K of this Act.


If You are a User of the E-Wallet (hereinafter referred to as User) offered by (hereinafter: ACW BV) serving to make discharge payments to the Performers who offer and sell their Entertainment Webcam Services on the Platform as exploited by (hereinafter: referred to as SNV Platform and SNV respectively), you must consult these General User Conditions E-Wallet for the use of the E-Wallet (hereinafter: General User Conditions E-Wallet).
These General User Conditions E-Wallet describe the terms and rules applicable when the User uses the E-Wallet as registered and stored by ACW BV to make discharge payments to the Performers for the purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered and sold to him by the Performers registered on the Platform. A User can only apply for the use of the E-Wallet after he has opened a User Account on the SNV Platform.
The General User Conditions E-Wallet constitute all the rules of use of the E-Wallet and govern the relationship between you as a User of the E-Wallet on the one hand and ACW BV as the provider of the E-Wallet on the other hand. These General User Conditions E-Wallet do not apply to the Entertainment Webcam Services sold by the Performers to Users for which the E-Wallet is used as a payment method. ACW BV does not participate in the offer, sale and delivery of Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer. If you purchase Entertainment Webcam Services from a Performer, an agreement will come in place between you and the Performer, ACW BV will not be part to this agreement.

1. General

1.1. These General User Conditions E-Wallet supersede all prior conditions applicable between SNV and the User with respect to the E-Wallet.
1.2. By effectively using the E-Wallet, you are deemed to have accepted these General User Conditions E-Wallet.
1.3. If you have any questions regarding these General User Conditions E-Wallet you can consult the FAQ section (frequently asked questions) or contact ACW BV via the contact form that you will find on the SNV Platform.
1.4. ACW BV reserves the right to modify these General User Conditions E-Wallet. ACW BV will inform the User by placing the new modified General User Conditions E-Wallet on the SNV Platform. In case of explicit request by the duly registered User, ACW BV will transmit the modified General User Conditions E-Wallet by email or any other means. The changes take effect 14 days after publication or on the date specified in the notification. If the User does not accept the modifications, the relationship between you as a User of the E-Wallet and ACW BV will end, by the effect of the law.
1.5. The General User Conditions E-Wallet take effect on the date on which the User has registered and has accepted the General User Conditions E-Wallet (effective date).

2. Definitions

2.1. : refers to registered to a limited liability company (BV) with the Chamber of Commerce under number 52306054 with its offices at Zuid-Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL in The Hague (hereinafter: ACW BV).
2.2. Direct Payment: the payment by the User to Performer for the Entertainment Webcam Services other than via the E-Wallet.
2.3. Entertainment Webcam Service: service offered and sold by the Performer on this Platform to the User which service is rendered via the webcam.
2.4. E-Wallet (prepaid virtual credit): prepaid virtual credit on the name of the User serving to make discharge payments to the Performers who offer and sell their Entertainment Webcam Services on the SNV Platform. The E-Wallet is not an account but a virtual credit which cannot be refunded to the User unless a request for refund is made by the user within 14 days after the first loading of his E-Wallet under the condition that such user has not yet spent any of his virtual credit yet.
2.5. Financial Transaction: the transaction by which the User feeds his virtual credit.
2.6. General Conditions E-Wallet: general conditions applicable to the relationship between you as a User of the E-Wallet m and ACW BV.
2.7. General User Conditions Platform: general conditions applicable to the relationship between you as a User of the SNV Platform and SNV.
2.8. Login data: data giving access to the User account.
2.9. Payment Service: allowing Users to exchange money for virtual credits in their E-Wallet which credits the User can only spend for purchasing Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performers on the Platform. A payment from the User results in a discharge payment in respect of that which the User owes to the Performer.
2.10. Performer: the natural person who offers and sells Entertainment Webcam Services to the User via the Platform provided by SNV.
2.11. The Performer account: the personal registration of the Performer on the SNV Platform which contains the Performer's information and his account.
2.12. Performer Name: the name under which the Performer is listed on the SNV Platform.
2.13. Performer Profile: the complete description of the Performer made by the Performer on his personal page.
2.14. Policy Rules: documents prepared by the AC Group and published on the SNV Platform containing mandatory or non-mandatory rules which apply to use of the SNV Platform including but not limited to Privacy/ GDPR rules, Code of Conduct, KYC rules and AML rules.
2.15. SNV refers to a company registered in the commercial registry under number 122760, having its offices at the address mentioned below, , , , , and related companies and partners of SNV with the exception of the related company ACW BV.
2.16. (SNV) Platform: the technical Platform of SNV to which a number of websites are linked.
2.17. Start date: the date on which the User accepts the General User Conditions E-Wallet.
2.18. User: the natural person who purchases Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performer.
2.19. User Account: the personal registration of the User on the SNV Platform.
2.20. User Name: the name under which the User is registered on the SNV Platform but also the name which, combined with the personal password, allows access to the User Account.
2.21. User Information: all the information that you place yourself as a User on the SNV Platform or on your User Account, including registration data, feedback and all other messages.

3. User Requirements

3.1. The User must be a person with legal capacity and the power to enter into binding contracts.
3.2. The User must not be less than 18 years old or at least the age of majority in his country of residence and must have reached at least the legal age of use of the Platform.
3.3. The E-Wallet is not transferable, in any form whatsoever.

4. E-Wallet

4.1. The E-Wallet is a virtual asset registered with ACW BV to the credit of the User upon placing of funds by the User, and serves to allow the User to make discharge payments to the Performers for Entertainment Webcam Services purchased from the Performers.
4.2. The User can only apply for registration of the E-Wallet with ACW BV with his User Account on the SNV Platform.
4.3. ACW BV provides Payments Services to Users by allowing the Users to exchange money for virtual credits in their E-Wallet which credits the User can only spend for purchasing Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performers on the SNV Platform. A payment from the User by means of the E-Wallet results in a discharge payment in respect of that which the User owes to the Performer for the purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performer.
4.4. The User acknowledges that, in the event of purchase of a Performer Service, the amount due to the Performer will be deducted directly and automatically from his virtual credit in order to make a discharge payment to the Performer.
4.5. The E-Wallet is not an account but a virtual asset.
4.6. ACW BV sets daily loading limits for the E-Wallet to comply with the AML rules.
4.7. In any case, the E-Wallet cannot be considered as a deposit.
4.8. In no case does ACW BV pay interest on the balance of the E-Wallet.
4.9. ACW BV does not charge any fees to the User for the use of the E-Wallet.
4.10. The E-Wallet is not an account but a virtual credit which cannot be refunded to the User unless a request for refund is made by the user within 14 days after the first loading of his E-Wallet under the condition that such user has not yet spent any of his virtual credit yet.
4.11. The User agrees that he will not give access (or attempt to give access) to the E-Wallet to third parties.
4.12. The User may not undertake any activity that could hinder or interfere with the operation of the E-Wallet (or the servers and networks to which the E-Wallet is connected).
4.13. The User is prohibited from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, exchanging the E-Wallet.
4.14. Use of the E-Wallet by the User is completely free of charges.
4.15. Payment via the E-Wallet guarantees the anonymity of the User and the Performer. Only the name chosen by the User and the Performer on the Platform will be visible.
4.16. Under no circumstances is ACW BV a party to the offer, sale and / or delivery of Entertainment Webcam Services offered by the Performer. Using the E-Wallet to pay for the Performer does not change the above.

5. Direct payment

5.1. The Performer may be paid by the User for his Entertainment Webcam Services other than via the E-Wallet. The payment by the User to the Performer will then be made by any means they have mutually agreed upon.

6. Absence of representation.

6.1. ACW BV on the one hand, and the User on the other, are independent parties. Each of them acts in his own name and on his own behalf.
6.2. These General User Conditions E-Wallet are not intended to establish / create an agency, agency agreement, corporation, joint venture or any other form of cooperation or to establish an employer or franchisor relationship. The above cannot be the subject of the General User Conditions E-Wallet.

7. Information of the User

7.1. The User is solely responsible for the information he provides in order to make use of the E-Wallet.
7.2. Said information of the User cannot:
a. be inaccurate, incorrect or misleading;
b. violate the law and/or any other regulation;
c. incur the liability of ACW BV and/or cause (in whole or in part) that ACW BV cannot operate the E-Wallet;
d. cause the E-Wallet to be broken, damaged or less efficiently operated, or have the effect that the E-Wallet is affected in such a way that its effectiveness or functionality is affected in any way.

8. Privacy and personal data

8.1. ACW BV operates an E-Wallet allowing the User to anonymously pay for the Entertainment Webcam Services purchased from Performer. As a result, it is recommended not to publish personal information (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, social network account).
8.2. Information about ACW BV's data protection is mentioned in the Privacy Statement of Users. In particular, it explains how ACW BV processes the User's personal data and how the User's privacy is respected when using the E-Wallet.
8.3. The User is personally responsible for the confidentiality of the corresponding identifiers to his User account and thus to the information in respect of the E-Wallet and must himself take all reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of this information.
8.4. ACW BV will inform the User in the event that his E-Wallet is suspended. ACW BV will reenable the use of the E-Wallet credentials as soon as possible and after the causes of the suspension have been resolved.

9. Fraud/AML/ abuse

9.1. SNV and/or ACW BV will, in the event of suspected fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, carry out an identity check. Failure by the User to cooperate with an identity check may result in the immediate suspension of the use of the E-Wallet and termination of the relationship between the User and ACW BV.
9.2. The User acknowledges that ACW BV may block a transaction, a payment order or any use of the E-Wallet when ACW BV reasonably suspects a case of fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of these General User Conditions E-Wallet or a violation of the law. When ACW BV blocks a transaction or payment order, the User is informed unless ACW BV is legally prevented from doing so.
9.3. In the event of suspected fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, or not complying with the General User Conditions E-Wallet, the User is responsible for all losses suffered by ACW BV as a result of / or in connection with these actions.

10. Miscellaneous

10.1. In case there will be any payment obligation from the User towards ACW BV under these General User Conditions E-Wallet, in addition to all other legal rights and remedies available towards the User by ACW BV, the amount at that moment remaining in the E-Wallet will serve as (partial) payment of such obligation.
10.2. ACW BV cannot be held responsible towards the User or a third party for any loss incurred by the User due to imposed transaction limits or other recoveries.

11. Litigation

11.1. The User accepts and acknowledges that ACW BV cannot be held responsible for any dispute between the User and the Performer.
11.2. Claims or disputes arising from these General User Conditions E-Wallet must first be reported to ACW BV online support.

12. Warranties

12.1. The User guarantees that he is over 18 years old of at least the age of majority in his country of residence. The User also guarantees to have reached at least the legal age of use of the Platform.
12.2. The User guarantees that he will comply with all laws, regulations and regulations applicable to the use of the E-Wallet.
12.3. The User will not (attempt to) initiate, or take advantage of, fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of these General User Conditions E-Wallet or a violation of the law or be in violation of applicable laws and regulations.
12.4. The User is obliged to pay the taxes, fees and commissions that may arise from the use of the E-Wallet.

13. Exclusion of guarantees

13.1. ACW BV does not warrant that the operation of the E-Wallet, the operation of the servers and the Entertainment Webcam Services of the Performer will be permanent, uninterrupted, fast / punctual, secure or infallible.
13.2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ACW BV excludes all warranties, conditions or other terms, legal or implicit, quality or speed / punctuality in relation to the use of the E-Wallet by the User,
13.3. ACW BV does not warrant that the use of the E-Wallet will always meet all User requirements or that the operation of the E-Wallet will be permanent, secure, virus free and infallible.

14. Violation of the General User Conditions E-Wallet

14.1. Without prejudice to the other means available to ACW BV, ACW BV has the right to immediately send the User a warning, to temporarily suspend or for an indefinite period the User's E-Wallet, to close the User's E-Wallet, to refuse to the User access to the use of the E-Wallet when:
a. the User does not respect the General User Conditions E-Wallet or the documents by integral part by reference; or
b. when it proves impossible for ACW BV to check the accuracy of the information provided by the User; or
c. ACW BV is of the opinion that the User is guilty of fraudulent activity, fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering or is involved in, or in any way connected with, such activities; or
d. ACW BV believes that the User, by its actions, causes or may cause damage to ACW BV.

15. Limitation of liability of ACW BV

15.1. In no event shall ACW BV be liable for any direct or indirect (consequential) damages, including:
* any loss or falsification of data;
* any loss as a result of cybercrime;
* any loss of profit (suffered directly or indirectly);
* any loss of turnover;
* any loss of reputation;
* any loss of opportunity;
* any indirect, incidental, or other damages, regardless of whether the loss or damage is attributable to any changes made by ACW BV to the E-Wallet or due to temporary or permanent interruption of the E-Wallet, and regardless of whether it is due to negligence or any other cause attributable to ACW BV.
15.2. ACW BV's liability to the User - whatever the circumstances - is limited, in any event, to the aggregate of the amounts that the User has paid to the Performer through the E-Wallet in the six months preceding the legal act giving rise to the responsibility, the whole with a maximum of 150 €.

16. Compensation

16.1. The User agrees to indemnify and hold ACW BV harmless against any claim or claim whatsoever including reasonable attorney's fees from any third party that is attributable to or arising from the breach of this contract of use or documents by integral part by reference, a violation of the law or the regulation or an infringement of the rights of a third party by the User.
16.2. When the User has a right or a claim on the Performer or is in dispute with the latter following the use of the E-Wallet, the User has no right of recourse against ACW BV and the User guarantees ACW BV against any claim, seeking liability, damages, losses, costs and compensation, including legal costs, known or unknown, in connection with such a claim or such litigation.

17. Announcements and notifications

17.1. Statements, notices and other announcements to the User may be made by post, email, publications on the SNV Platform or by any other reasonable means.
17.2. All notifications to the User will be sent to the email address that he has indicated to ACW BV during the registration process.
17.3. The User can consult free of charge the transactions carried out with his E-Wallet. The User agrees that he will not receive a statement in paper form.

18. Policy rules

18.1. ACW BV reserves the right to introduce policy rules to supplement or amend the conditions and / or to clarify the applicable provisions. The policy rules are an integral part of these General User Conditions E-Wallet.
18.2. ACW BV can modify the policy rules. Important changes will be published on the SNV Platform.
18.3. Once these modifications have been published, the User may, within 14 days, inform ACW BV that he refuses to accept these changes. In that case the relationship between ACW BV and the User will end.
18.4. The policy rules to which it is referred, and which form part of these General User Conditions E-Wallet are: privacy policy, GDPR policy as included in the cookie policy and the Users Code of Conduct.

19. Termination of the relationship with ACW BV

19.1. The General User Conditions E-Wallet apply until the relationship between ACW BV and the User is terminated as described below.
19.2. If the User wishes to terminate the relationship with ACW BV, he can do so immediately and free of charge by closing his User Account as a result of which the E-Wallet will also be closed. The User has no right of refund of the remaining credits.
19.3. ACW BV may terminate the relationship with the User at any time without notice when:
a. the User has violated an essential provision of the General User Conditions E-Wallet or clearly shows, by the way he acts, that he does not intend or is unable to comply with the essential provisions of the General User Conditions E-Wallet; or
b. ACW BV is obligated by law for example, when the provision of the E-Wallet to the User is not or will not be legally authorized.
19.4. The termination of the relationship between ACW BV and the User does not affect the rights, obligations and responsibilities arising from the law which governed the relationship between the User and ACW BV.
19.5 The relationship between ACW BV and the User in respect of the E-Wallet is automatically terminated if the relationship between SNV and the User in respect of the use of the Platform is terminated.

20. Cancellation and refund

20.1. The E-Wallet is not an account but a virtual credit which cannot be refunded to the User unless  a request for refund is made by the user within 14 days after the first loading of his E-Wallet under the condition that such user has not yet spent any of his virtual credit yet.

21. Governing Law

21.1. The law of the Netherlands is applicable to the relationship between ACW BV and the User. Any dispute that may arise between the User and ACW BV, resulting from these General User Conditions E-Wallet or any other agreement or any other action in connection with these General User Conditions E-Wallet will be settled by the Court of The Hague, except to the extent that binding rules of jurisdiction shall apply.
21.2. In the event of contradiction, whatever it may be, between the English version and a version in another language of the present contract of use, the English version prevails.
21.3. The court in The Hague has exclusive jurisdiction in case of litigation.

22. Other

22.1. The User acknowledges that the rights and obligations arising from these General User Conditions E-Wallet and all other documents that apply by reference, may be freely and automatically transferred by ACW BV in the event of a merger, demerger or redemption or any other form of restructuring.
22.2. The titles of the different sections of these General User Conditions E-Wallet are purely indicative and do not necessarily indicate precisely the content of the articles to which they refer.
22.3. If ACW BV fails to act as a result of not complying by the User or by third parties of these General User Conditions E-Wallet, ACW BV does not automatically waive the right to act in the face of subsequent or similar violations.
22.4. If ACW BV does not exercise or enforce a legal right or remedy set forth in these General User Conditions E-Wallet (or to which ACW BV is entitled in accordance with applicable law), that choice shall not be considered to constitute a waiver of a right on the part of ACW BV. Nor can that choice be regarded as a waiver of a right to act in relation to subsequent or similar violations. ACW BV can and still has the right to exercise its rights or to implement the remedies.
22.5. The provisions of the articles bearing the titles: "7. Information and actions of the User", "12. Warranties", "15. Limitations of liability ", "17. Announcements and notifications", "21. Governing law" and "22. Other" and other provisions and charges thereunder continue to apply after the termination of the relationship between ACW BV and the User.
22.6. These General User Conditions E-Wallet together with the documents that form part thereof by reference and the policy rules followed govern the entire relationship between the User and ACW BV.


Agreement between ACW and Performer regarding the Provision of Payment Services

  1. This document reflects the general terms and conditions applicable on the Payment Services provided by ACW to Performers.
  2. At the instructions of Users, ACW will debit the Users E-Wallet for the discharge payment of Entertainment Webcam Services the Performer has provided to Users. Consequently, ACW will credit the Performer Payment Account. Before crediting the Performer Payment Account, ACW will deduct: (i) the Platform Fees due by the Performer and credit the General Platform Services Provider. (ii) the Payment Service Fee due by the Performer and credit ACW.
  3. The Dutch Central Bank has confirmed on February 25, 2021 that under PSD2 the activities of ACW BV fall outside the scope of the Financial Supervision Act of the Netherlands (Wet op het Financieel Toezicht) on the basis of article 1:5a, paragraph 2, section K of this Act.

This Agreement describes the general terms & conditions that apply when you use the Payment Service (Billing) offered by ACW BV.
This Agreement constitutes a legally valid contract determining the relationship between you, as the Performer and ACW BV
Before you can make use of the Payment Services you need to carefully read and accept all the conditions and stipulations of this Agreement, including the documents and Policy Rules that are part of this Agreement.

1. General

1.1 This Agreement replaces all previous agreements between the Performer and a company of the AC Group.
1.2 In the case of questions about this Agreement the Performer can consult the FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions) or contact ACW BV via the online contact form of ACW BV.
1.3 ACW BV has the right to make changes to this Agreement. ACW BV will notify the Performer of such changes by means of placing the new, amended Agreement on the SNV Platform, by means of an e¬mail to the registered Performer by other means. The changes take effect on the date specified in the notification. If the Performer is unable to agree with the changes this Agreement will terminate.
1.4 This Performer Agreement is drawn up in the English language. In the event of a conflict between the English version and a version in another language the English version will prevail.

2. Definitions

2.1 ACW BV:refers to registered to a limited liability company (BV) with the Chamber of Commerce under number 52306054 with its offices at Zuid-Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL in The Hague (hereinafter: ACW BV).
2.2 AC Group: companies which are directly and indirectly held by AC Media Connect Holding BV, AC Media Connect Holding BV.

2.3 AC Media Connect Holding BV: a company registered in the commercial registry under number 68636628, having its offices at Beursplein 37, 3011 AA, Rotterdam.
2.4 : a company having its offices at , , , , , registered under number 12276
2.5 Affiliates: third parties with whom has concluded agreements to provide and offer marketing services through the Affiliate Program of ACW NV.
2.6 Entertainment Webcam Service: a service offered and sold by the Performer to the User.
2.7 Entertainment Webcam Service Fee: the fee the User pays to the Performer for the sale of the Entertainment Webcam Service by the Performer to the User.
2.8 E-Wallet: virtual credit balance registered by ACW BV upon receipt of funds from the User. The User&'s E-Wallet is stored in the ACW BV computer system. The E-Wallet is not a bank account but a virtual balance.
2.9 Financing Transaction: the transaction in which the User deposits credits into his/her virtual balance (E-Wallet).
2.10 General Platform Fees: the fee that the General Platform Services Provider charges to the Performer for the General Platform Service.
2.11 General Platform Services: the services provided to the Performer for the use of the SNV Platform in return for payment, which services are performed by the General Platform Services Provider whereby the General Platform Services Provider may use third parties (internal or external).

2.12 General Platform Services Agreement: the general terms & conditions that apply to the relationship between the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider in relation to the provision of the General Platform Services to the Performers.
2.13 Micro Company: an enterprise which qualifies under the definition of Micro Company for VAT purposes in your country of residence.
2.14 Payment Day: the 1st or 16th day of each calendar month. If this day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the Payment Day will be postponed to the next following days.
2.15 Payment Instruction: the authorisation the User gives ACW BV to deduct the payment from the virtual credit balance in the User's E-Wallet for the Entertainment Webcam Services purchased from the Performer; these credits are automatically and instantly credited to the Performer Payment Account.
2.16 Payment Service: a service provided by ACW BV to the Performer by crediting the Performer Payment Account, upon the debiting of a virtual credit balance held by the User (E-Wallet), for the discharge payment of Entertainment Webcam Services the Performer has sold to the User.
2.17 Payment Service Agreement: the agreement as concluded by ACW and the Performer on the basis of which ACW BV renders Payment Service to the Performer (this Agreement).
2.18 Payment Service Fee: the fee that ACW BV charges to the Performers for the Payment Service.
2.19 Payment Transaction: the transaction in which ACW BV transfers the credits held in the Performer's Payment Account into the bank account of the Performer.
2.20 Performer: the party who offers and sells his Webcam Entertainment Services to the Users via the SNV Platform and either operates as an independent professional or as a micro company in his country of residence. Wherever the word ‘Performer’ is used this may also be read as ‘you’.
2.21 Performer Account: the Performer's personal registration on the SNV Platform containing the personal information of the Performer (Performer's Profile and the Performer's Name).
2.22 Performer Information: all the information you, as a Performer, put on the SNV Platform and/or on the Performer’s Account, including registration details, pictures, videos, feedback and all other communications.
2.23 Performer's Name: the name under which the Performer is registered. Also the name that, in combination with the personal password, gives access to the Performer's Account.
2.24 Performer Payment Account: the Performer's current account with ACW BV, to which – ACW BV credits the payments made and approved by Users for the purchase of the Webcam Entertainment Services provided by the Performer and to which ACW BV debits amounts owed to ACW BV and/or to the General Platform Services Provider by the Performer.
2.25 Performer's Profile: the full personal and physical description of the Performer.
2.26 Policy Rules: documents prepared by the AC Group and published on the SNV Platform containing mandatory or non-mandatory rules which apply to the relationship between the Performer and any member of the AC Group as a result of any agreement concluded between the two including but not limited to Privacy/ GDPR rules, Code of Conduct, KYC rules and AML rules.
2.27 Reservation Requirement: the amount that ACW BV reserves temporarily in accordance with the General Platform Services Agreementto cover possible payment cancellations by Users.
2.28 SNV refers to , registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 122760, with its offices at , , , , and to the companies and Partners affiliated with
2.29 SNV Platform: the technical platform exploited by SNV that enables the Performer to provide and sell Entertainment Webcam Services anonymously and enables the User to purchase Entertainment Webcam Services anonymously.
2.30 Third Party: any party except the Performer and ACW BV.
2.31 Transaction Fees: the costs associated with the Payment Transaction.
2.32 User: a person who purchases Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performer via a Website connected to the technical Platform of SNV and who uses the User Payment Service (E-Wallet) in order to make the discharge payment of the Entertainment Webcam Services the Performer has provided and sold to the User.
2.33 User Account: the User's personal registration on the SNV technical Platform.
2.34 User Payment Service: service offered by ACW BV to the User whereby the User can obtain – upon placing of funds by the User - a prepaid virtual credit on his name to make discharge payments to the Performers for his purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Servicesfrom the Performers registered on the SNV Platform. The Payment Service does not constitute an account but a Virtual Credit which cannot be refunded to the User.
2.35 Virtual Credit: a non-refundable virtual asset registered with ACW BV to the credit of the User upon placing of funds by the User which serves for the User to make discharge payments to the Performers for his purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Servicesfrom the Performers registered on the SNV Platform.
2.36 Website: a website linked to the technical Platform of SNV.
2.37 General Platform Services Provider: SNV and ACW NV together, jointly providing the General Platform Services.

3. Payment Services

3.1 ACW BV will debit the Users E-Wallet for the discharge payment of Entertainment Webcam Services the Performer has provided to Users. Consequently, ACW will credit the Performer Payment Account. On Payment day ACW BV effectuates the Payment Transaction retaining the Payment Service Fee and the General Platform Service Fee.
3.2 The Performer can only apply for registration of the Payment Services with ACW BV with his Performer Account on the SNV Platform as laid down in the General Platform Services Agreement the Performer has concluded with the General Platform Services Provider. It is not possible for a Performer to apply for the Payment Services if this Performer has not opened a Performer Account on the SNV Platform.
3.3 In principle the information provided by the Performer for opening his Performer Account is used for applying for the Payment Services and opening the Performer Payment Account albeit that ACW BV is entitled to ask any additional information from the Performer which is considered to be necessary by ACW BV in respect of the application of the Performer for the Payment Services.
3.4 The Performer is obliged to provide complete, up¬ to date and correct registration information and information in respect of his Performer Account and his Performer Payment Account and to update this information on a regular basis to keep it current and correct.
3.5 The Performer agrees that:
a. the sale of the Webcam Entertainment Services constitutes a transaction between the Performer and the User; ACW BV is not a party to this sale.
b. ACW BV is not responsible for and has no influence on the completion or the payment of the Entertainment Webcam Service Fee for the Entertainment Webcam Service Services purchased by the User from the Performer.
c. The Studio has to comply with the VAT legislation in his country of residence in respect of the sale of the Entertainment Webcam Services to the Users.
3.6. If a Financing Transaction is reversed for whatever reason (cancellation), ACW BV is entitled to recover the payment from the Performer by debiting the previously credited amount back from the Performer's Payment Account.
3.7 ACW BV has a Reservation Requirement of 5 percent of the amount of the Webcam Entertainment Services the User has purchased from the Performer. The Reservation Requirement is a temporary reserve (180 days) to cover potential payment cancellations by the User.
3.8 ACW BV can suspend a Payment Transaction if ACW BV, at its own discretion, suspects that the Payment Transaction: is based on a factual error, is fraudulent or is made using a fraudulent or invalid method of payment and/or is a possible case of money laundering.
3.9 ACW BV will notify the Performer about the suspension of any Payment Transaction.
3.10 ACW BV is entitled to deduct all payment obligations that ACW BV may accrue under this Agreement from the Performer's Payment Account, in addition to all other rights and legal means available to ACW BV pursuant to this Agreement.
3.11 ACW BV is not liable to the Performer or Third Parties for any loss suffered by the Performer as a result of imposed transaction limits, Reservation Requirements, payment cancellations or other refund demands.

4. Payment Services Fee

4.1 ACW BV renders the Payment Services to the Performer against a Payment Service Fee. ACW BV will deduct this Payment Service Fee from the discharge payments made by Users to Performers for the Webcam Entertainment Services provided by the Performer.
4.2 The amount of the Payment Transaction is 50% (or another percentage agreed otherwise) of the turnover of the Performer. The remaining amount is retained by ACW BV to cover the payment of the invoices due by the Performer for the Payment Services and to cover the payment of the invoices due by the Performer for the General Platform Services.

4.3 The Performer has the right to download at any time from his Performer Account the invoices which have been paid by retaining amounts from the Entertainment Webcam Service Fees as set out above.
4.4 Transaction Fees may apply depending on the chosen payment method as laid down in the Performer Account.

4.5 ACW BV is entitled to change the Payment Service Fee and/or the Transaction Fee the Performer is due to ACW BV. The changes take effect on the date specified in the notification of such change. If, in the 14 days after this change, the Performer notifies ACW BV that he/she does not accept the changes in question, question the Payment Service Agreement and the right to use the Payment Services will terminate immediately upon receipt of this notification.

5. Additional conditions Payment Service

5.1 The Performer agrees that:
a. the Performer’s Payment Account may not be a deposit account;
b. ACW BV is not required to pay the Performer interest on any balance in the Performer’s Payment Account.
5.2 The Performer agrees and acknowledges that ACW BV is not a party to and is not responsible for any dispute between the User and the Performer.
5.3 Any dispute with respect to the Payment Service must, in the first instance, be reported to the online support team of the AC Group.

6. General Platform Fee

6.1 There is no charge for registering as a Performer on the SNV Platform.
6.2 The General Platform Services Provider renders the General Platform Services to the Performer against an General Platform Fee.
6.3 Performer hereby instructs ACW BV to deduct this General Platform Fee from the discharge payment made by Users to Performers for the Webcam Entertainment Services.
6.4 The amount of the Payment Transaction is based on 50% (or another percentage agreed otherwise) of the turnover of the Performer. The remaining amount is retained by ACW BV to cover the payment of the invoices due by the Performer for the Payment Services and to cover the payment of the invoices due by the Performer for the General Platform Services.

6.5 The Performer has the right to download at any time from his Performer Account the invoices which have been paid by retaining amounts from the Entertainment Webcam Service Fees as set out above.
6.6 The General Platform Services Provider is entitled to change the General Platform Services Fee. The changes take effect on the date specified in the notification of such change. If, in the 14 days after this change, the Performer notifies the General Platform Services Provider that he/she does not accept the changes in question, this Agreement will terminate immediately upon receipt of this notification.
6.7 ACW BV will charge Dutch VAT on the Payment Services Fee on the basis of Dutch VAT legislation. Charging VAT on the Payment Services does not affect the amount of the Payment Transaction nor the VAT position of the Performer in his country of residence with respect to the Webcam Entertainment Services sold to the User.

7. No representation

7.1 ACW BV on the one hand and the Performer on the other are independent parties; each party acts only in its own name and on its own behalf.
7.2 It is not the purpose of this Payment Service Agreement to establish an agency, mandate ship, partnership, joint venture or any other form of collaboration, an employer/¬employee relationship or a franchisor/¬franchisee relationship. The Payment Service Agreement consequently does not create any of the above.

8. Guarantees

8.1 Each party declares and guarantees that he/she/it is legally competent and authorized to sign this Payment Service Agreement.
8.2 The Performer guarantees ACW BV that he/she is at least 18. If the legislation in the country of the Performer differs from this rule the Performer must be at least 21. For this purpose the Performer will supply a copy of a valid ID.
8.3 The Performer guarantees ACW BV that:
a. the Performer will comply with all the laws, regulations and bylaws that apply to the Performer’s use of the Payment Service;
b. the Performer will comply with (the rules resulting) from the Payment Services Agreement;
c. the Performer will comply with the national legislation of the country in which the Performer is located;
d. the Performer will not attempt to initiate or receive a Payment Transaction that is illegal or fraudulent or that conflicts with the applicable legislation and regulations;
e. the Performer will pay all taxes, levies and commissions which will be due for the Performer in respect of the use of the Payment Services and/or the SNV Platform and/or the use of the General Platform Services and/or the provision of the Entertainment Webcam Services to the User.
8.4 The Performer indemnifies and/or shall be liable for any damage sustained by ACW BV as a result of non-compliance with the stipulations of section 8.3 of the present article. The Performer cannot exculpate itself towards ACW BV by stating that the damage arose as a result of a violation by the Performer. The Performer shall be liable for its or its Performer's actions at all times.
8.5 ACW BV guarantees the Performer that the Payment Service will be provided with reasonable care and professionalism.
8.6 ACW BV does not guarantee that the Payment Service will meet all of the Performer’s requirements or that the Payment Service will function uninterruptedly, be virus-¬free, safe or error-¬free.

9. Announcements and notification

9.1 Declarations, notifications and other announcements from ACW BV to the Performer can be made by post, e¬mail, via publications on the SNV Platform or by any other reasonable method.
9.2 The Performer agrees that ACW BV can send the Performer electronic messages that relate to the Performer’s use of the Payment Service or any other matter.

10. Information and actions on the part of the Performer

10.1 The Performer is solely responsible and liable for the information he provides in order to make use of the Payment Services. The Performer is obliged to comply with all the applicable national, European and international regulations relating to the activities and Services offered on the SNV Platform.
10.2 This information from and any actions and/or Services by the Performer cannot:
a. be inaccurate, incorrect or misleading;
b. be insulting, threatening, damaging, slanderous;
c. infringe copyright, privacy rights or other rights;
d. violate the law and/or any other regulation;
e. contravene public order and / or morality;
f. be obscene, indecent or contain child pornography;
g. incur a liability for ACW BV and/or cause (in whole or in part) that ACW BV cannot operate the Payment Services;
h. cause the operation of the Payment Services by ACW BV to be broken, damaged or less efficiently rendered, or have the effect that the provision of the Payment Services is affected in such a way that its effectiveness or functionality is affected in any way.

11. Fraud, money laundering and terrorism financing

11.1 Without prejudice to any other legal remedy, ACW BV can suspend or terminate the Performer's Payment Account, if actions on the part of the Performer cause ACW BV to reasonably suspect or give the impression that there is any form of involvement or association with fraudulent activities (fraud and terrorism financing), prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of this Agreement or a violation of the law.
11.2 If the Performer commits fraud, is involved in prohibited transactions or money laundering or terrorism financing, or deliberately or as a result of gross negligence fails to comply with the stipulations of this Agreement or the law, the Performer is liable for all loss suffered in relation to the unlawful transactions.
11.3 The Performer acknowledges that ACW BV may block a transaction, a payment order or any use of the Payment Services when ACW BV reasonably suspects a case of fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of this Agreement or a violation of the law or terrorism financing. When ACW BV blocks a transaction or payment order, the Performer is informed unless ACW BV is legally prevented from doing so.

11.4 In the event of suspected fraud, prohibited transactions, terrorism financing or money laundering, or not complying with this Agreement, ACW BV may as a result declare the transaction to the relevant authorities without informing the Performer.

12. Violation of this Agreement

12.1 Without prejudice to any other means available to ACW BV, ACW BV has the right to send the Performer an immediate warning, suspend or terminate the Performer’s Payment Account temporarily or indefinitely and refuse to provide the Payment Services to the Performer if:
a. the Performer violates this Agreement, the General Platform Services Agreement or the documents that form an integral part of this Agreement and/or the General Platform Services Agreement for reference purposes;
b. it proves impossible for ACW BV to verify the correctness of the information provided by the Performer; or
c. ACW BV suspects that the Performer is engaged in, will be engaged in or is in any way involved or associated with fraudulent activities, terrorism financing, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of this Agreement or a violation of the law;
d. ACW BV feels that by his/her actions the Performer will or may cause damage to ACW BV.

13. Limitation of liability ACW BV

13.1 ACW BV can never be held liable for any direct or indirect damage or (consequential) loss, including but not limited to :
any loss or falsification of data;
loss of profits (suffered directly or indirectly);
loss of turnover;
loss of goodwill or reputation;
loss of opportunity;
or for indirect, incidental, additional or any other damage, irrespective of whether the loss or damage is attributable to any change ACW BV has made to the operation of the Payment Service, or due to a permanent or temporary interruption in the Payment Service, and irrespective of any negligence or other cause.
13.2 ACW BV's liability to the Performer – irrespective of the circumstances – is in any case limited to the total of the amounts the Performer has received from ACW BV in the 6 months preceding the legal action that gives rise to the liability, with a maximum of €100.

14. Account not Assignable

14.1 The Performer Account is non assignable, shall be strictly personal and must not be transferred to or used by any third party.
14.2 Creating a Performer Account for a third party shall be prohibited.

15. Indemnity

15.1 The Performer will compensate ACW BV and protect ACW BV against any entitlement or claim whatsoever including reasonable solicitors’ fees on the part of a third party and that is attributable to or arises from a violation of this Agreement or the documents that form part of the Agreement for reference purposes, a violation of any law or regulation whatsoever or the infringement of the rights of a third party by the Performer.
15.2 If the Performer has an entitlement or claim against or a dispute with a User as a result of the use of the operation of the Payment Services, the Performer indemnifies ACW BV against any claims, liability, damage, loss, costs and fees, including legal fees, known or unknown, that are associated with such an entitlement, claim or dispute.

16. Termination of relationship with ACW BV

16.1 This Agreement will remain in place until such time as it is cancelled by the Performer or by ACW BV, as outlined below. If this Agreement is cancelled this means that the Performer Payment Account will be closed by ACW BV.
16.2 If the Performer wishes to terminate this Agreement with ACW BV, the Performer can do so at any time and free of charge by closing the Performer’s Account as a result of which the provision of the Payment Services by ACW BV to the Performer under this Agreement will also terminate.
16.3 ACW BV can terminate this Agreement at any time without prior notice if:
a. the Performer has violated an essential stipulation of this Agreement or has made it clear by his/her actions that he/she does not intend to comply or is not capable of complying with the essential stipulations of this Agreement; or
b. ACW BV is legally obliged to do so.
16.4 The termination of this Agreement does not affect the legal rights, obligations and responsibilities the Performer and ACW BV have used, that have applied to the relationship between the Performer and ACW BV, or that arose in the period that this Agreement was in effect or for which it is stipulated that they remain valid for an indefinite period.
16.5 Upon termination of this Agreement or any other termination of the use of the Payment Service by the Performer the Performer remains responsible for all cancellations and recovery costs.

17. Applicable law

17.1 Dutch law applies to this Agreement. Any disputes that arise or may arise between the Performer and ACW BV as a result of this Agreement or subsequent agreements or other actions in relation to this Agreement will be settled by the competent courts in the Netherlands.
17.2 This Agreement is drawn up in the English language. In the event of a conflict between the English version of this Agreement and a version in another language, the English version will prevail.

18. Other

18.1 The Payment Service referred to in this Agreement is supplied by ACW BV.
18.2 The Performer agrees that ACW BV can freely and by operation of law transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Agreement and from all the documents that apply for reference purposes in the event of a merger, division, takeover or other restructuring.
18.3 The titles of the various sections of this Performer’s Agreement are indicative only and do not necessarily give an exact indication of the content of the articles to which they refer.
18.4 If ACW BV fails to act in respect of a violation of this Agreement by the Performer or by others ACW BV does not automatically waive the right to act in respect of later or similar violations.
18.5 If ACW BV does not exercise or enforce a legal right or legal remedy referred to in this Agreement (or to which ACW BV is entitled in accordance with the applicable law) this cannot be considered a waiver of the rights of ACW BV. Neither can it be considered a waiver of the right to act in respect of later or similar violations. ACW BV can and may always use its rights or legal remedies.
18.6 The provisions in the following articles: ‘9. Announcements and notification’, ‘10. Information and actions on the part of the Performer’, ‘13. Limitation of liability ACW BV’, ‘14. Indemnity’, , ‘16. Applicable law’ and ‘17. Other’ and any other provision insofar as applicable continue to exist after the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
18.7 This Agreement, accompanied by the documents and Policy Rules included for reference purposes, constitutes the entire agreement between the Performer and ACW BV.


If you are a provider of Entertainment Webcam Services on this Platform and if you use the ‘Payment Services (billing) provided by AC Webconnecting BV (ACW BV) and/or General Platform services’ provided by (hereinafter: SNV NV) and (hereinafter: ACW NV) please consult this Agreement.

This Agreement describes the general terms & conditions that apply when you use the General Platform Services offered by SNV and ACW NV (jointly referred to as the General Platform Services Provider).
This Agreement constitutes a legally valid contract determining the relationship between you, as the Performer, and the General Platform Services Provider.
Before you can offer and sell your services on the Platform you need to carefully read and accept all the conditions and stipulations of this Agreement, including the documents and Policy Rules that are part of this Agreement.

1. General

1.1 This Agreement replaces all previous agreements between the Performer and a company of the AC Group.
1.2 In the case of questions about this Agreement the Performer can consult the FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions) or contact the General Platform Services Provider via the online contact form of the General Platform Services Provider.
1.3 The General Platform Services Provider has the right to make changes to this Agreement. The General Platform Services Provider will notify the Performer of such changes by means of placing the new, amended Agreement on the Platform, by means of an e¬mail to the registered Performer upon request, or by other means. The changes take effect on the date specified in the notification. If the Performer is unable to agree with the changes the Agreement will terminate.
1.4 By signing this Agreement the Performer accepts that the General Platform Services Provider can use third parties (internal or external) to provide the General Platform Services.

2. Definitions

2.1 ACW BV: refers to registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 52306054 with its offices at Zuid-Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL in The Hague its offices .
2.2 AC Group: companies which are directly and indirectly held by AC Media Connect Holding BV, AC Media Connect Holding BV.
2.3 AC Media Connect Holding BV: a company registered in the commercial registry under number 6863636628, having its offices at Beursplein 37, 3011 AA, Rotterdam.
2.4 : a company having its offices at , , , , , registered under number 12276
2.5 Affiliates: third parties with whom has concluded agreements to provide and offer marketing services through the Affiliate Program of ACW NV.
2.6 Entertainment Webcam Service: a service offered and sold by the Performer to the User.
2.7 Entertainment Webcam Service Fee: the fee the User pays to the Performer for the sale of the Entertainment Webcam Service by the Performer to the User.
2.8 E-Wallet: virtual credit balance registered by ACW BV upon receipt of funds from the User. The User's E-Wallet is stored in the ACW BV computer system. The E-Wallet is not an account but a virtual balance.
2.9 Financing Transaction: the transaction in which the User deposits credits into his/her virtual balance (E-Wallet).
2.10 General Platform Fees: the fees charged to the Performer for the General Platform Service.
2.11 General Platform Services: the services provided to the Performer for the use of the SNV Platform in return for payment, which services are performed by the General Platform Services Provider whereby the General Platform Services Provider may use third parties (internal or external).

2.12 General Platform Services Agreement: the general terms & conditions that apply to the relationship between the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider in relation to the provision of the General Platform Services to the Performers (this Agreement).
2.13 Micro Company: an enterprise which qualifies under the definition of Micro Company for VAT purposes in your country of residence.
2.14 Payment Day: the 1st or 16th day of each calendar month. If this day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the Payment Day will be postponed to the next following days.
2.15 Payment Instruction: the authorization the User gives ACW BV to deduct the payment from the virtual credit balance in the User's E-Wallet for the Entertainment Webcam Services purchased from the Performer; these credits are automatically and instantly credited to the Performer Payment Account.
2.16 Payment Service: a service provided by ACW BV to the Performer by crediting the Performer Payment Account, upon the deduction of a virtual credit balance held by the User (E-Wallet), for the discharge payment of Entertainment Webcam Services the Performer has sold to the User.
2.17 Payment Service Agreement: the agreement as concluded by ACW BV and the Performer on the basis of which ACW BV renders Payment Service to the Performer.
2.18 Payment Service Fee: the fee that ACW BV charges to the Performers for the Payment Service.
2.19 Payment Transaction: the transaction in which ACW BV transfers the credits held in the Performer's Payment Account into the bank account of the Performer.
2.20 Performer: the party who offers and sells his Webcam Entertainment Services to the Users via the SNV Platform and either operates as an independent professional or as a micro company in his country of residence. Wherever the word ‘Performer’ is used this may also be read as ‘you’.
2.21 Performer Account: the Performer's personal registration on the SNV Platform containing the personal information of the Performer (Performer's Profile and the Performer's Name).
2.22 Performer Information: all the information you, as a Performer, put on the SNV Platform and/or on the Performer’s Account, including registration details, pictures, videos, feedback and all other communications.
2.23 Performer's Name: the name under which the Performer is registered. Also the name that, in combination with the personal password, gives access to the Performer's Account.
2.24 Performer Payment Account: the Performer's current account with ACW BV, to which ACW BV credits payments made by Users for the purchase of the Webcam Entertainment Services provided by the Performer and to which ACW BV debits amounts owed to ACW BV and/or to the General Platform Services Provider by the Performer.
2.25 Performer's Profile: the full personal and physical description of the Performer.
2.26 Policy Rules: documents prepared by the AC Group and published on the SNV Platform containing mandatory or non-mandatory rules which apply to the relationship between the Performer and any member of the AC Group as a result of any agreement concluded between the two including but not limited to Privacy/ GDPR rules, Code of Conduct, KYC rules and AML rules.
2.27 Reservation Requirement: the amount that ACW BV reserves temporarily in accordance with the General Platform Services Agreement to cover possible payment cancellations by Users.
2.28 SNV refers to , registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 122760, with its offices at , , , , and to the companies and Partners affiliated with
2.29 SNV Platform: the technical platform exploited by SNV that enables the Performer to provide and sell Entertainment Webcam Services anonymously and enables the User to purchase Entertainment Webcam Services anonymously.
2.30 Third Party: any party except the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider.
2.31 Transaction Fees: the costs associated with the Payment Transaction.
2.32 User: a person who purchases Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performer via a Website connected to the technical Platform of SNV and who may or may not use the User Payment Service (E-Wallet) in order to make the discharge payment of the Entertainment Webcam Services the Performer has provided and sold to the User.
2.33 User Account: the User's personal registration on the SNV technical Platform.
2.34 User Payment Service: service offered by ACW BV to the User whereby the User can obtain – upon placing of funds by the User - a prepaid virtual credit on his name to make discharge payments to the Performers for his purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Servicesfrom the Performers registered on the SNV Platform. The Payment Service does not constitute an account but a Virtual Credit which cannot be refunded to the User.
2.35 Virtual Credit: a non-refundable virtual asset registered with ACW BV to the credit of the User upon placing of funds by the User which serves for the User to make discharge payments to the Performers for his purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Services from the Performers registered on the SNV Platform.
2.36 Website: a website linked to the technical Platform of SNV.
2.37 General Platform Services Provider: SNV and ACW NV together, jointly providing the General Platform Services.

3. Conditions Performer

3.1 The Performer must be a person who is legally competent and authorized to sign binding agreements and must be at least 18. If the legislation in the country of the Performer differs from this rule the Performer must be at least 21. For this purpose the Performer will supply a copy of a valid ID of the Performer together with his photograph.
3.2 The Performer cannot be a person whose Performer’s Account has been temporarily or permanently suspended for legal reason.
3.3. The Performer Account is not transferable, in any form whatsoever.
3.4 The Performer is obliged to make a Performer Account by completing and sending the applicable on-line registration form and upload all forms as requested during the registration process.
3.5 The moment SNV has received and approved the documents, SNV shall send the Performer an e-mail to confirm the registration, a link and a password to access the Performer Account.
3.6 After approval the Performer will have access to the countersigned Performer Agreement on his Performer Account and will be able to offer and sell Webcam Entertainment Services (Effective Date).
3.7 The Performer shall be under the obligation to supply current, correct, complete and truthful data in respect of himself. The Performer shall furthermore be under the obligation to immediately inform SNV of any changes in said data (such as Address, Banking Information, etc.).
3.8 There is no charge for registering as a Performer.
3.9 In the event of non-compliance with this article the General Platform Services Provider shall be entitled to dissolve the Performer Agreement with immediate effect or to suspend the Performer Agreement for an (in)definite period of time.
3.10 The Performer Account is non assignable, shall be strictly personal and must not be transferred to or used by any third party.
3.11 Creating a Performer Account for a third party shall be prohibited.

4. Password and Performer’s Name

4.1 The Performer is responsible for all actions (including but not limited to safeguarding the secrecy) involving the Performer’s Name and his password.
4.2 The Performer must observe all the appropriate security measures to protect his password. The Performer is not allowed to reveal such password to Third Parties.
4.3 Neither is the Performer allowed to permit Third Parties to use the Performer’s Name and his password either directly or indirectly.
4.4 The password and Performer’s Name given to the Performer is for that person ONLY.
4.5 The Performer indemnifies and holds harmless the General Platform Services Provider from any loss of his password and/or Performer’s Name, including but not limited to; actual, total, capital or consequential loss, for reason of the Performer not safeguarding the secrecy of the password to their account. In this case, the Performer shall be liable for the costs incurred and the damage sustained by the General Platform Services Provider. The General Platform Services Provider shall never be liable to the Performer for any damage resulting from loss, theft, publication or misuse of the password of the Performer.
4.6 In the event there is any suspicion that the password and/or the Performer’s Name of the Performer are misused, the Performer shall immediately notify SNV thereof.

5. The SNV Platform is a technical platform only

5.1 SNV acts exclusively as a technical platform that enables the Performer to provide and sell Entertainment Webcam Services anonymously and enables the User to purchase Entertainment Webcam Services anonymously.
5.2 SNV is in no way involved in the Entertainment Webcam Services provided and sold by the Performer. SNV only monitors if any forbidden activities take place when the Performer is selling its Entertainment Webcam Services to the User.
5.3 SNV has no control over the quality of the Entertainment Webcam Services offered and sold by the Performer.

5.4 The General Platform Services Provider does not guarantee the Performer that the User will pay for the Entertainment Webcam Services purchased by the User from the Performer.
5.5 The provision and sale of the Entertainment Webcam Services by the Performer to the Users and the purchase of the Entertainment Webcam Services by the Users only constitute an agreement between the Performer and the Users.The General Platform Services Provider is not a party to this sale.
5.6 The Performer agrees and acknowledges that the General Platform Services Provider is not a party to this sale and is not responsible for any dispute between the User and the Performer.

6. No representation

6.1 The General Platform Services Provider on the one hand and the Performer on the other are independent parties; each party acts only in its own name and on its own behalf.
6.2 It is not the purpose of this Agreement to establish an agency, mandate ship, partnership, joint venture or any other form of collaboration, an employer/¬employee relationship or a franchisor/¬franchisee relationship. The Agreement consequently does not create any of the above.

7. Provision of Entertainment Webcam Services

7.1 The Performer is offering and selling the Entertainment Webcam Services to its customers which also means that the Performer has to comply with the applicable VAT rules in this respect as following from the decision of the European Court of Justice (ECLI:EU:C:2019:388).
7.2 The General Platform Services Provider does not determine the price of the offered Entertainment Webcam Services.
7.3 Only a registered Performer can offer and sell his Entertainment Webcam Services on the Platform.
7.4 The Performer is responsible for the choice of classification under which the Entertainment Webcam Services are offered.
7.5 Actions and transactions are not approved and/or validated by the General Platform Services Provider. The Performer is personally responsible for the legality of his/her actions and offered Entertainment Webcam Services.
7.6 You are supplying the Entertainment Webcam Services to the Users, who are your customers. If you and the User are based in the EU, aArticle 54 of the EU VAT Directive 2006/112 is applicable. SNV is only a Platform and supplies you General Platform Services together with ACW NV. If you are based in the EU article 44 and article 196 of the EU VAT Directive 2006/112 are applicable.
7.7 By selling your Entertainment Webcam Services via the Platform you are considered to be an entrepreneur. Depending on the applicable rules of your country of residence, you may or may not be obliged to charge VAT over your Entertainment Webcam Services rendered to the Users. We advise you to consult your local accountant to inform yourself about your particular VAT status in this respect. If your Entertainment Webcam Services are subject to VAT, you are personally responsible for your VAT declarations in this respect.

8. General Platform Fee

8.1 There is no charge for registering as a Performer on the Platform.
8.2 The General Platform Services Provider renders the General Platform Services to the Performer against an General Platform Fee which amount is withheld from the Payment Transaction. The amount of the Payment Transaction is based on 50% (or another percentage agreed otherwise) of the turnover of the Performer. The remaining amount is retained by ACW BV to cover the payment of the invoices due by the Performer for the Payment Services and to cover the payment of the invoices due by the Performer for the General Platform Services.

8.3 The Performer has the right to download at any time from his Performer Account the invoices which have been paid by retaining amounts from the Entertainment Webcam Service Fees as set out above.
8.4 The General Platform Services Provider is entitled to change the General Platform Services Fee. The changes take effect on the date specified in the notification of such change. If, in the 14 days after this change, the Performer notifies the General Platform Services Provider that he/she does not accept the changes in question, this Agreement will terminate immediately upon receipt of this notification.

9. Guarantees

9.1 Each party declares and guarantees that he/she/it is legally competent and authorized to sign this Agreement.
9.2 The Performer guarantees that he/she is at least 18. If the legislation in the country of the Performer differs from this rule the Performer must be at least 21. For this purpose the Performer will supply a copy of a valid ID.
9.3 The Performer guarantees the General Platform Services Provider
a. the Performer will comply with:
• all the laws, regulations and bylaws that apply to the provision and sale/performance of its/his/her Entertainment Webcam Services;
• all the laws, regulations and bylaws related to the Performer’s use of the General Platform Services;
• (the rules resulting from) the General Platform Services Agreement.;
• the national legislation of the country in which the Performer is located.
b. the Performer will not attempt to initiate or receive a Payment Transaction that is illegal or fraudulent or that conflicts with the applicable legislation and regulations;
c. the Performer will pay all taxes, levies and commissions which will be due for the Performer in respect of the use of the Payment Services and/or the SNV Platform and/or the use of the General Platform Services and/or the provision of the Entertainment Webcam Services to the User.
9.4 The Performer indemnifies and/or shall be liable for any damage sustained by
the General Platform Services Provider as a result of non-compliance with the stipulations of section 9.3 of the present article. The Performer cannot exculpate itself towards by stating that the damage arose as a result of a violation by the Performer. The Performer shall be liable for its or its Performer's actions at all times.
9.5 The General Platform Services Provider guarantees the Performer that the General Platform Services will be provided with reasonable care and professionalism.
9.6 The General Platform Services Provider does not guarantee that the General Platform Services will meet all of the Performer’s requirements and will function uninterruptedly, be virus-free, safe or error-free.

10. Announcements and notification

10.1 Declarations, notifications and other announcements from the General Platform Services Provider
to the Performer can be made by post, e¬mail, via publications on the SNV Platform or by any other reasonable method.
10.2 The Performer agrees that the General Platform Services Provider can send the Performer electronic messages that relate to the Performer’s use of the General Platform Service or any other matter.

12. Information and actions on the part of the Performer

12.1 The Performer – and not the General Platform Services Provider - is responsible and liable for the information placed in the Performer Account as well as for the Performer's Profile and the Performer’s Name.
12.2 The information as mentioned in article 12.1 and any actions on the part of the Performer and/or the Performer cannot:
a. be incorrect, inaccurate or misleading;
b. be insulting, threatening, damaging or defamatory;
c. infringe copyrights, privacy or other rights;
d. break the law or violate any other regulations;
e. breach public order and/or public morals;
f. be obscene or inappropriate or contain child pornography;
g. create liability for
or cause the (full or partial) loss of its services;
h. cause the SNV technical platform to suffer interruptions or damage, function less efficiently or be influenced in such a way that its effectiveness or functionality is in any way diminished.
12.3 The Performer gives the General Platform Services Provider a non-exclusive, worldwide, uninterrupted, irrevocable, royalty-free and transferable (via several third parties) license to exercise the copyrights, trademarks, publicity and database rights with respect to the Information (always including pictures, videos and online images) the Performer has placed on known and as of yet unknown media, to the extent that this is necessary to provide its General Platform Service to the Performer.
12.5 Any claim that a Performer may have, by a right in law or statute, by the Performer's failure of execution under this Performer Agreement, shall be safeguarded against the General Platform Services Provider and the Performer shall indemnify against all costs of such claims.
12.6 The Performer is not allowed to provide any personal information (including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, social media accounts, etc.) of the Performers to Third Parties or to attempt to obtain such information from Third Parties in any way.

13. Fraud, money laundering and terrorism financing

13.1 Without prejudice to any other legal remedy, the General Platform Services Provider
can suspend or terminate the Performer's Account if actions on the part of the Performer cause the General Platform Services Provider to reasonably suspect or give the impression that there is any form of involvement or association with fraudulent activities (fraud, money laundering and terrorism financing) on the SNV technical platform.
13.2 If the Performer commit(s) fraud or deliberately or as a result of gross negligence fails to comply with the stipulations of the Performer Agreement with respect to the Performer's Account, the Performer is liable for all loss suffered in relation to the unlawful transactions.
13.3. The Performer acknowledges that the General Platform Services Provider may block the use of the Performer of the Platform when the General Platform Services Provider reasonably suspects a case of fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of this Agreement or a violation of the law. When the General Platform Services Provider blocks the use of the Platform, the Performer is informed unless the General Platform Services Provider is legally prevented from doing so.

13.4. In the event of suspected fraud, prohibited transactions or money laundering, or not complying with this Agreement, the General Platform Services Provider may as a result declare the transaction to the relevant authorities without informing the Performer.

14. Violation of this Agreement

14.1 The General Platform Services Provider has the right to send the Performer an immediate warning, suspend or terminate the Performer and/or Performer's Account temporarily or indefinitely and refuse to provide services to the Performer if:
a. the Performer and/or the Performer violate(s) this Agreement or the documents that form an integral part of this Agreement.
b. it proves impossible for SNV to verify the correctness of the information provided by the Performer.
c. the General Platform Services Provider suspects that the Performer is engaged in, will be engaged in or is in any way involved or associated with fraudulent activities fraudulent activities, prohibited transactions or money laundering, the violation of this Agreement or a violation of the law;
d. the General Platform Services Provider feels that by his/her actions the Performer will or may cause damage to the General Platform Services Provider.

15. Limitation of liability of the the General Platform Services Provider

15.1 The General Platform Services Provider can never be held liable for any direct or indirect damage or (consequential) loss, including but not limited to: any loss or falsification of data; loss of profits (suffered directly or indirectly);loss of turnover; loss of goodwill or reputation; loss of opportunity;
or for indirect, incidental, additional or any other damage, irrespective of whether the loss or damage is attributable to any change SNV has made to the SNV Platform, or due to a permanent or temporary interruption in the SNV Platform, and irrespective of any negligence or other cause.
15.2 The General Platform Services Provider’s liability to the Performer – irrespective of the circumstances – is in any case limited to the total of the amounts the Performer has received as Entertainment Webcam Fees transferred by ACW BV to the Performer in the 3 months preceding the legal action that gives rise to the liability, with a maximum of €100.

16. Indemnity

16.1 The Performer will compensate the General Platform Services Provider and protect the General Platform Services Provider against any entitlement or claim whatsoever including reasonable solicitors’ fees on the part of a third party and that is attributable to or arises from a violation of this Agreement or the documents that form part of the Agreement for reference purposes, a violation of any law or regulation whatsoever or the infringement of the rights of a third party by the Performer.
16.2 If the Performer has an entitlement or claim against or a dispute with a User as a result of the use of the Platform, the Performer indemnifies the the General Platform Services Provider against any claims, liability, damage, loss, costs and fees, including legal fees, known or unknown, that are associated with such an entitlement, claim or dispute.

17. Announcements and notification

17.1 Declarations, notifications and other announcements from the General Platform Services Provider to the Performer can be made by post, e¬mail, via publications on the Platform or by any other reasonable method.
17.2 All announcements intended for the Performer will in principle be sent to the e¬mail address the Performer provided to SNV upon Registration.

18. Termination of relationship with the General Platform Services Provider

18.1 The Agreement will remain in place until such time as it is canceled by the Performer or by the General Platform Services Provider, as outlined below.
18.2 If the Performer wishes to terminate this Agreement with the General Platform Services Provider the Performer can do so at any time and free of charge by closing the Performer’s Account.
18.3 The General Platform Services Provider can terminate the Agreement with the Performer at any time without prior notice if:
a. the Performer has violated an essential stipulation of the Agreement or has made it clear by his/her actions that he/she does not intend to comply or is not capable of complying with the essential stipulations of the Agreement; or
b. the General Platform Services Provider is legally obliged to do so.
18.4 The termination of this Agreement does not affect the legal rights, obligations and responsibilities the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider have used, that have applied to the relationship between the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider, or that arose in the period that the Agreement was in effect or for which it is stipulated that they remain valid for an indefinite period.
18.5 Upon termination of this Agreement or any other termination of the use of the General Platform Service by the Performer the Performer remains responsible for all cancellations and recovery costs.

19. Applicable law

19.1 Netherlands Antilles law applies to this Agreement. Any disputes that arise or may arise between the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider as a result of this Agreement or subsequent agreements or other actions in relation to this Agreement will be settled by the competent courts in Curacao.
19.2 This Agreement is drawn up in the English language. In the event of a conflict between the English version of this Agreement and a version in another language, the English version will prevail.

20. Other

20.1 The General Platform Services referred to in this Agreement are supplied by
the General Platform Services Provider or by a third party (internal or external) under a contract in this respect with the General Platform Services Provider.
20.2 The Performer agrees that the General Platform Services Provider can freely and by operation of law transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Agreement and from all the documents that apply for reference purposes in the event of a merger, division, takeover or other restructuring.
20.3 The titles of the various sections of this Agreement are indicative only and do not necessarily give an exact indication of the content of the articles to which they refer.
20.4 If the General Platform Services Provider fails to act in respect of a violation of this Agreement by the Performer or by others the General Platform Services Provider does not automatically waive the right to act in respect of later or similar violations.
20.5 If the General Platform Services Provider does not exercise or enforce a legal right or legal remedy referred to in this Agreement (or to which the General Platform Services Provider is entitled in accordance with the applicable law) this cannot be considered a waiver of the rights of the General Platform Services Provider. Neither can it be considered a waiver of the right to act in respect of later or similar violations. The General Platform Services Provider can and may always use its rights or legal remedies.
20.6 The provisions in the following articles: ‘10. Announcements and notification’, ‘12. Information and actions on the part of the Performer’, ‘15. Limitation of liability of
the General Platform Services Provider, ‘16. Indemnity’, ‘19. Applicable law’ and ‘ 20. Other’ and any other provision insofar as applicable continue to exist after the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
20.7 This Agreement, accompanied by the documents and Policy Rules included for reference purposes, constitutes the entire agreement between the Performer and the General Platform Services Provider.

Die Datenschutzerklärung von

25 Mai 2018

Datenschutz hat in unserer Gesellschaft eine besondere Priorität. In Bezug auf die Datenverarbeitung halten wir uns strikt an die Anforderungen der geltenden Datenschutzgesetze, einschließlich der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO). Dies bedeutet, dass:

• wir die Erfassung persönlicher Informationen auf die personenbezogenen Daten beschränken, die für rechtmäßige Zwecke erforderlich sind;
• wir unsere Ziele deutlich offenlegen, bevor wir personenbezogene Daten, gemäß der vorliegenden Datenschutzerklärung, verarbeiten;
• wir zunächst Ihre ausdrückliche Erlaubnis für die Verarbeitung Ihrer persönlichen Daten verlangen, wenn Ihre Zustimmung erforderlich ist;
• wir angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ergreifen, um Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zu schützen und wir dasselbe auch von den Parteien verlangen, die Ihre persönlichen Daten in unserem Namen verarbeiten;
• wir Ihr Recht auf Zugang, Berichtigung oder Löschung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten respektieren.

ist verantwortlich für die Verarbeitung aller Daten. In dieser Datenschutzerklärung erklären wir, welche personenbezogenen Daten wir zu welchem ​​Zweck erheben. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dies sorgfältig zu lesen.


Einige Funktionen unserer Website erfordern, dass Sie sich vorher registrieren. Sie müssen Informationen über sich selbst angeben und einen Benutzernamen (Nutzername) und ein Passwort für das Konto wählen, das wir für Sie erstellen.
Zu diesem Zweck verwenden wir Ihren Namen, Ihre Adresse, Telefonnummer, Rechnungsadresse, E-Mail-Adresse, Zahlungsdetails und Nutzernamen. Wir benötigen diese Daten aufgrund der Vereinbarung, die zwischen uns besteht. Wir speichern diese Informationen, bis Sie Ihr Konto löschen. Wir speichern diese Daten, damit Sie sie beim Besuch unserer Website nicht jedes Mal eingeben müssen und damit wir, im Rahmen der Vertragsabwicklung, Nachrichten mit Ihnen austauschen können. Außerdem sind wir so in der Lage, Ihnen eine Liste der Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die Sie auf unserer Plattform erworben haben.

Aufladung der elektronischen Geldbörse (E-Wallet)

Über können Sie Guthaben auf Ihr E-Wallet laden, um Dienste von anderen Parteien käuflich zu erwerben. Dies erfordert einige persönliche Informationen, die wir mit Zahlungsanbietern teilen, um die Aufladung der elektronischen Geldbörse (E-Wallet) zu erleichtern.

Ihre persönlichen Daten, die wir hierfür nutzen, sind Ihr Name und Ihre Adresse, Rechnungsadresse, E-Mail-Adresse sowie Ihre Zahlungsinformationen. Wir benötigen diese Daten aufgrund der Vereinbarung, die zwischen uns besteht. Wir speichern diese Informationen während der gesetzlichen und durch das Finanzamt festgelegten Aufbewahrungsfrist.


Wir bewerben unsere neuen Produkte und Dienstleistungen durch unseren Newsletter. Sie können dieser verkaufsfördernden Kommunikation jederzeit widersprechen. Jede E-Mail enthält einen Link, mit dem Sie sich vom Newsletter abmelden können.

Die Einwilligung zur Speicherung Ihrer persönlichen Daten, die Sie für den Newsletter angegeben haben, kann jederzeit widerrufen werden. Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, ist in jedem Newsletter ein Link zu diesem Zweck vorhanden. Es ist zudem möglich, den Newsletter jederzeit direkt auf der Plattform abzubestellen.


Unsere Website zeigt generische Werbeanzeigen. Wir sammeln zu diesem Zweck keine personenbezogenen Daten.


Die Website verwendet Cookies. Cookies sind Textdateien, die in einem Computersystem über einen Internetbrowser gespeichert werden. Cookies sind notwendig, damit wir die Funktionsweise unserer Website verbessern und Sie bei Ihren Besuchen wiedererkennen können. Auf diese Weise müssen Sie sich nicht jedes Mal neu anmelden und wir merken uns Ihre Einstellungen und Präferenzen. Wir teilen keine Cookies mit Dritten und zielen nicht auf cookiesbasierte Werbung ab.

Sie können Cookies über Ihre Browsereinstellungen deaktivieren, dies kann jedoch dazu führen, dass Sie nicht alle Funktionen in vollem Umfang nutzen können.

Weitergabe von persönlichen Daten an Dritte

Mit Ausnahme der oben genannten Parteien geben wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht an andere Unternehmen oder Organisationen weiter, es sei denn, dass wir dazu gesetzlich verpflichtet sind.


Wir erstellen Statistiken über die Nutzung der Website, unter Verwendung personenbezogener Daten. Wir verwenden diese Statistiken, um die Darstellung und den Betrieb unserer Website zu verbessern. Wir greifen auf personenbezogene Daten nur in dem Maße zu, wie dies für diesen Zweck erforderlich ist.


Wir ergreifen angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um Missbrauch oder unbefugten Zugriff auf personenbezogene Daten zu verhindern.

Änderung unserer Datenschutzerklärung

Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, unsere Datenschutzerklärung zu ändern. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dass Sie sich regelmäßig mit unserer Datenschutzerklärung auseinandersetzen, um über jede Änderung informiert zu sein.

Zugang und Änderung Ihrer Daten

Sie können uns kontaktieren, wenn Sie Fragen zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung haben oder wenn Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten einsehen, ändern oder löschen möchten.

Ihre Rechte lauten wie folgt:

• Sie werden über die persönlichen Daten, die wir von Ihnen besitzen, sowie über deren Gebrauch, informiert;
• Sie können Ihre persönlichen Daten, die wir speichern, kontrollieren;
• Sie können falsche persönlichen Daten ändern;
• Sie können die Löschung falscher persönlicher Daten verlangen;
• Ihre Zustimmung widerrufen;
• Sich gegen bestimmte Anwendungen widersetzen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie sich weiterhin anmelden müssen, um Ihre Rechte auf Zugang / Änderung / Löschung persönlicher Daten wahrnehmen zu können. Somit stellen wir sicher, dass wir keine Daten von der falschen Person ändern oder löschen.


Wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass wir Ihnen nicht gestatten, Ihre Rechte ordnungsgemäß auszuüben, können Sie bei der zuständigen nationalen Datenschutzbehörde Beschwerde einlegen, wenn Sie in der Europäischen Union ansässig sind. Zum Beispiel in den Niederlanden, die Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.




, a Curaçao Corporation, does hereby voluntarily state that all performers appearing on this web site and issuing their respective sexually explicit images, were at least 18 (eighteen) years-of-age with governmental picture identity records on file in compliance with the spirit of 18 U.S.C. §2257.

Documentation as aforesaid is retained and only disclosed in conformance with Curaçao and EU Privacy Statutes.

Please direct any inquiries to:
Custodian of Records



As a member of the AC Group, will also act in accordance with this Policy Rule as laid down in this Group Policy AML/KYC statement.
It is the policy of AC Group that all members of staff at all levels shall actively participate in preventing the services of AC Group from being exploited by criminals and terrorists for money laundering purposes.
This participation has as its objectives:

  • Ensuring AC Group’s compliance with all applicable laws, statutory instruments of regulation, and requirements of AC Group’s supervisory authority
  • Protecting AC Group and all its staff as individuals from the risks associated with breaches of the law, regulations and supervisory requirements
  • Preserving the good name of AC Group against the risk of reputation damage presented by implication in money laundering and terrorist financing activities
  • Making a positive contribution to the fight against crime and terrorism. To achieve these objectives, it is the policy of AC Group that:
  • Every member of staff shall meet their personal obligations as appropriate to their role and position in AC Group
  • Neither commercial considerations nor a sense of loyalty to Platform Users shall be permitted to take precedence over AC Group’s anti-money laundering commitment
  • AC Group has appointed a Compliance Officer who is responsible for AML compliance and KYC compliance. The Compliance Officer is afforded every assistance and cooperation by all members of staff in carrying out the duties of their appointments.
  • AC Group shall carry out a business-wide assessment of the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing to which AC Group is subject and design and implement appropriate controls to mitigate and manage effectively the risks identified
  • AC Group shall establish and maintain documented, proportionate policies and procedures, including controls, which outline the positive actions to be taken by staff to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing in the course of their work. The Compliance Officer shall keep these under review to ensure their continuing appropriateness



It is the policy of AC Group to identify and assess the money laundering and terrorist financing risks represented by the business we conduct so that we can mitigate that risk by applying appropriate levels of persons and companies using the platform as exploited by (an AC Group company) (the Platform Users). The Platform Users are the so-called Service Providers that is the Studio and the Performer with which/whom has concluded the General Platform Services Agreement. Performer is also referred to as “Model”. These Service Providers offer and sell their services to their customers (Users) on the SNV Platform.


  1. AC Group shall assess the money laundering risk represented by the Platform Users and the business conducted according to three levels:
    1. The range normally dealt with by AC Group, requiring AC Group’s normal level of client due diligence
    2. An exceptionally high level of risk requiring an enhanced level of client due diligence
    3. A negligible level of risk requiring only simplified due diligence.
  2. AC Group shall identify and maintain lists of risk factors (including those required by the Regulations) relating to the Platform Users, products or services, transactions, delivery channels and geographic areas of operation.
  3. AC Group shall assess the level of risk associated with these factors by analysing indicators including:
    1. Characteristics of the Platform User (individual or corporate, status, location, occupation)
    2. The purpose of accounts or engagements, levels of assets and transactions
    3. regularity or duration of business relationships.
  4. AC Group shall update the risk assessment annually to ensure new and emerging risks are addressed, and new information supplied by our supervisory authority is reflected.
  5. AC Group shall keep an up-to-date written record of all steps taken and shall provide the risk assessment and the information on which it was based.
  6. The money laundering or terrorist financing risk represented by each Platform User will be assessed:
    1. During the new Platform User acceptance process (KYC), before any work is undertaken.
    2. Whenever AC Group’s process of ongoing monitoring indicates that a change in the business or operating environment of an established Platform User may represent a change in money laundering risk.
  7. The risk assessment in relation to a Platform User shall be carried out by the responsible AC officer who will determine appropriate due diligence measures in respect of each Platform User based on:
    1. AC Group’s business-wide risk assessment
    2. assessment of the level of risk arising in any particular case.
  8. A record must be made of the assessment of individual Platform User relationships, confirming that AC Group’s business-wide risk assessment has been taken into account, and any other relevant factors considered.



It is the policy of AC Group to verify the identity of all Platform Users, ensuring that procedures reflect Platform User risk characteristics. When opening an account with the AC Group all Platform Users will be verified on the basis of the following procedures.


Platform Users who offer and sell their services on the SNV Platform – Performers and Studio’s – acting in the form of a corporate entity need to provide the following information:

  • Company Name
  • Official Registration number
  • Social form
  • Country of headquarters
  • Address of the headquarters
  • If applicable, intracommunity VAT number
  • Contact mail address
  • Phone number
  • All information about the beneficial owners.

The responsible AC Officer will check that such Platform User is appropriately incorporated (if applicable) and registered, and take the necessary steps to determine who are the principal beneficial owners, and the people with significant control, and their identity will be verified according to this procedure.

B. Platform Users who offer and sell their services on the SNV Platform – Performers and Studio’s – not acting in the form of a corporate entity need to provide the following information:

  • Name or identification of the non-individual Studio/Performer
  • Country of residence
  • Address
  • Phone number and contact mail address
  • A waver stating his obligations of any taxes due and statement that he can act as * a non legal entity in his country (micro-entreprises).
Verification of identity
  1. The member of staff conducting verification of identity will complete the process by checking that the Studio/Performer is not the subject of sanctions or other statutory measures, using the screening methods set out by the Compliance Officer . (Blacklist international terrorist, tel sms verification).
  2. For Studio/Performers, identity checks will be conducted by examination of:
    1. one document containing a photograph confirming the Studio Manager/ Performer’s name, such as a valid passport
    2. photo with the given identity document next to face
    3. one document confirming the Studio Manager/Performer’s address, such as a utility bill (less than 3 months old and no mobile telephone bill). This document is required even if the document confirming name also has the address AC Group’s Compliance Officer will maintain a list of acceptable documents or information obtained from a reliable source which is independent of the Studio/Performer:
    4. only scanned coloured HR copy of the document, will be accepted for examination
    5. sources of electronically held information must have been risk-assessed prior to use.
  3. In cases where a Platform User cannot produce acceptable documents, the responsible AC Officer will make a risk-based decision on accepting the documents that are available., consulting with the Compliance Officer if appropriate.
  4. Where the Studio Manager/Performer is not a European resident, or will not be seen in person (that means via the webcam) by the member of staff carrying out the verification, the responsible AC Officer will make a risk-based decision on the means of verification to be accepted., consulting with the Compliance Officer if appropriate.
Check of the beneficial ownership
  1. Where the Performer is not the beneficial owner of assets involved, the responsible AC Officer will take the necessary steps to determine who is the beneficial owner, and take reasonable measures to verify their identity, according to this procedure.
  2. The Compliance Officer will prepare a format for use by the responsible AC Officer in requesting verification of identity and beneficial ownership information from the Studio/Performer and a procedure for following up when requests are not met within the statutory period.
  3. If all possible means of identifying the beneficial owner of a non-individual Studio/Performer have been exhausted without success, and recorded, the responsible AC Officer will seek the approval of the Compliance Officer , to be given on a risk-sensitive basis, to treat as its beneficial owner the senior person responsible for managing the non-individual Studio/Performer.
  4. In respect of the ultimate beneficial owner(s) of the non-individual Studio’s/Performers the following information is required:
    1. Title
    2. Name and surname
    3. Country of residence
    4. Address
    5. Date of birth
    6. Country of birth
    7. Id number
    8. Reason why the individual is UBO (percentage of direct or indirect capital/ownership etc.)
  5. Where the Platform User is a listed company or a regulated firm, the responsible AC Officer will check that the Platform User is appropriately registered, and that the person with whom AC Group is dealing is properly authorised to act on the Platform Users behalf, and will verify the identity of that person according to this procedure, in addition to that of the non-individual Studio/Performer.
  6. In all cases assessed as presenting a higher money laundering risk, where enhanced Platform User due diligence is required, the responsible AC Officer will consult with the Compliance Officer to decide on additional steps to verify the Platform User’s identity.
  7. All verification of identity processes as well as actions taken to verify the identity of non-individual Studio/Performer will be recorded. This will include keeping photocopies of all documents produced and email exchanges.
  8. For both the individual and the non-individual Studio’s/Performers, the responsible AC Officer will collect reference information of the bank account of such Studio/Performer:
    1. Bic or IBAN
    2. Name of the institution where the account is held
    3. Address of said institution
  9. For both the individual Performers/Studio’s and the beneficial owners of the non-individual Performers/Studio’s, it will be monitored whether such person qualifies as a “politically exposed person”. When opening an account the following questions will be asked:
    1. Are you a politically exposed person that is are you an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent function. Y/N
    2. Are you linked with such a person (family, close associate) ? Y/N
    3. If yes, please indicate the name and the function of the person justifying this status.



It is the policy of AC Group to obtain information enabling to assess the purpose and intended nature of every Platform User’s relationship with AC Group. This Know Your Client’s Business information will enable AC Group to maintain our assessment of the on-going money laundering risk, and notice changes or anomalies in the Platform User’s arrangements that could indicate money laundering.It is the policy of AC Group not to offer its services, or to withdraw from providing its services on the platform, if a satisfactory understanding of the nature and purpose of the Platform User’s business cannot be achieved.

CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES (security management as laid down in the document “laundering of transactions prevention manual ”)

  • The responsible AC Officer will obtain Know Your Client’s Business information from Studio’s/Performers (both individual and non-individual) on the platform: *on acceptance of Studio’s/Performers on any significant change in the Studio’s/Performers agreements such as the size or frequency of transactions, nature of business conducted, involvement of new parties or jurisdictions as an ongoing exercise throughout the relationship with the Platform User. Know Your Client’s Business information sought from Platform Users will include, but not be limited to:
  • the purpose or need and business justification of the services the Platform User is selling on the platform as a Studio/Performer to the Users and by using the E-wallet for the pay-outs to the Platform Users..
  • the provenance of funds or assets involved in the Platform User’s sales.
  • the nature, size, frequency, source and destination of anticipated transactions of the Studio/Performer (volume and destination of the transactions).
  • the business justification for all uses of structures and entities (if applicable).
  • the counter-parties and jurisdictions concerned. The information will be obtained by asking the Platform User pertinent questions, and the answers given by the Platform User will be verified where this is possible within the course of normal conduct of the relationship (survey Platform User). Information provided by the Platform User will be recorded on the Platform User account, to assist with future monitoring of the Platform User relationship (Flag on account monitoring). Answers not readily verifiable should nevertheless be considered together with other details known about or given by the Platform User to check that all the information is consistent and plausible. Where answers given by the Platform User are implausible, or inconsistent with other information, or where the Platform User is unwilling to provide satisfactory ** answers to due diligence enquiries, the responsible AC Officer will consider whether AC Group should commence the relationship or withdraw from the relationship. Know Your Client’s Business information, or the lack of it, will be taken into account by all staff when considering possible grounds to suspect money laundering.


AC Group shall in any event monitor the following events and seek for a satisfactory explanation:
* Change in banking references
* Change in location
* With respect to the non-individual Studio’s/Performers: Change in the management/change in beneficial ownership
The audits will be performed at the anniversary date that is the date that the Studio/Performer has registered himself on the platform. An alert will notify the team when the controls must be performed.
The consequence of these audits may be the performance of additional steps (request for additional documentation additional checks…), that must be documented in the file of the Platform Users (made of their information, supporting documents, and AML monitoring information).
These audits can as well lead to a new evaluation of the level of scrutiny applied to the Platform User, even up to the end of the business relationship. Such a decision is taken by the AC Group’s owners, on the advises of the Compliance Officer and the responsible of internal control.



It is the policy of AC Group to establish and maintain systems to keep records of enquiries made and information obtained while exercising Platform User due diligence for AML purposes, and to ensure that these records are retrievable as required for legal and regulatory stipulations. These records will include but not be limited to details recorded for accounting and business development purposes.


  • When information is being collected for AML Platform User, the responsible AC Officer will ensure that: *information collected is recorded in a consistent manner in the Platform User account, or other appropriate place, and that records held in different places are cross- referenced where appropriate, so that information is accessible by and comprehensible to other authorized members of staff, including the Compliance Officer *all instances are recorded where information requested has not been forthcoming, or explanations provided have not been satisfactory.
  • AC Group shall have systems to routinely archive records along with AC Group’s accounting records to ensure their availability for a minimum of the legal requirements from the date of the completion of the transaction or enquiry.
  • AC Group shall have data retrieval systems which facilitate full and rapid retrieval of all relevant records by authorised staff, in order to respond fully to enquiries from financial investigators.
  • AC Group shall have procedures to ensure that any personal data obtained is processed only for the purposes of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Every document and information collected at the opening of the account, concerning the identity of the Studio/Performer, if applicable its UBO, as well as all of those collected during the business relationship, must be kept during 5 years from the closing of the account. Moreover, each year, the historic of all the transactions performed since the beginning of the year must be kept during 5 whole years. AC Group keeps all the documents in data resulting from their business relationship with the Studio’s/Performers by archiving them according to conditions and modality guaranteeing their integrity, and especially on a permanent support respecting the GDPR rules.
  • AC Group shall provide new Platform Users with the following information prior to registration on the SNV Platform: a statement that any personal data received in respect of the registration will be processed only for the purposes of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. (GDPR)
  • AC Group shall have a procedure to earmark relevant personal data for deletion at the end of the legal retention period unless: it is required for court proceedings the data subject has given express consent to the retention of that data.
  • For registered accounts on the SNV Platform which have been the subject of a suspicion report, relevant records will be retained separately from AC Group’s routine archives, and not destroyed, even after the legal retention period has elapsed, without confirmation from the MLRO that they are no longer required as part of an enquiry.



It is the policy of AC Group that every member of staff shall remain alert for the possibility of money laundering, and shall report any and every suspicion for which they believe there are reasonable grounds, following AC Group’s procedure.The expectation placed on each individual member of staff in responding to possible suspicions shall be appropriate to their position in AC Group. No-one is expected to have a greater knowledge and understanding than is appropriate to their role.


  • Every member of staff must be alert for the possibility that AC Group’s services could be used for money laundering purposes, or that in the course of their work they could become aware of criminal or terrorist property.
  • Alertness to the possibility of money laundering must be combined with an appropriate knowledge of Platform User’ normal arrangements so that members of staff become aware of abnormal factors which may represent possible causes of suspicion.
  • A member of staff becoming aware of a possible suspicion shall gather relevant information that is routinely available to them and decide whether there are reasonable grounds to suspect money laundering. Any additional information acquired, in particular any explanations for unusual instructions or transactions, should be recorded on the accounts registered on the platform in the routine manner, but no mention of suspected money laundering is to be recorded in any such accounts.
  • The requirement to gather relevant information does not extend to undertaking research or investigation, beyond using information sources readily available within AC Group.
  • If after gathering and considering routinely available information, the member of staff is entirely satisfied that reasonable grounds for suspicion are not present, no further action should be taken.
  • A member of staff who on consideration decides that there may be grounds for suspicion shall in normal circumstances raise the matter with the responsible AC Officer. If after discussion they both agree that there are no grounds for suspicion, no further action should be taken.
  • No member of staff is obliged to discuss a suspicion of money laundering with the responsible AC Officer. They may, if in the circumstances they prefer, contact the Compliance Officer directly without giving a reason.
  • If following the raising of a possible suspicion by a member of staff, or resulting from their own observations, the responsible AC Officer decides that there are reasonable grounds to suspect money laundering, he or she must submit a suspicion report to the Compliance Officer, in the format specified by the Compliance Officer for that purpose.
  • An internal suspicion report does not lead to the breach of confidentiality, and no member of staff shall fail to make an internal report on those grounds.
  • If a suspicion report results from a matter raised by a member of support staff, the responsible AC Officer must advise them in writing that a report has been submitted by reference to the matter discussed on the given date, without including the name of the person(s) suspected. This confirms to the member of staff who raised the matter that their legal obligation to report has been fulfilled. (reporting procedure format)
  • In the circumstance where any member of staff forms a suspicion of money laundering but the responsible AC Officer does not agree that there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, the member of staff forming the suspicion must fulfil their legal obligation by submitting a money laundering suspicion report to the Compliance Officer , in the format specified by the Compliance Officer for that purpose. The responsible AC Officer must recognise this legal requirement and assist the staff member in fulfilling it.
  • A member of staff who forms or is aware of a suspicion of money laundering shall not discuss it with any outside party, or any other member of staff unless directly involved in the matter causing suspicion.
  • No member of staff shall at any time disclose a money laundering suspicion to the person suspected (including an outside party). If circumstances arise that may cause difficulties, the member of staff must seek and follow the instructions of the Compliance Officer .
  • No copies or records of money laundering suspicion reports are to be made, except by the Compliance Officer who will keep such records secure, and separate from AC Group’s Platform User accounts and other repositories of information.



It is the policy of AC Group that the Compliance Officer shall receive and evaluate internal suspicion reports, and decide whether a formal disclosure is to be made to the authorities. If so deciding, the Compliance Officer will make the formal disclosure on behalf of AC Group, using the appropriate mechanism.


  • On receipt of a money laundering suspicion report from a member of staff, the Compliance Officer shall acknowledge its receipt in writing, referring to the report by its date and unique file number, without including the name of the person(s) suspected. This confirms to the member of staff that their legal obligation to report has been fulfilled.
  • The Compliance Officer shall open and maintain a log of the progress of the report. This log shall be held securely and shall not form part of the Platform User account.
  • Following receipt of a report, the Compliance Officer shall gather all relevant information held within AC Group, and make all appropriate enquiries of members of staff anywhere in AC Group, in order properly to evaluate the report. The Compliance Officer shall then decide whether they personally believe there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, and make a decision on AC Group’s obligation to make a formal disclosure to the authorities.
  • Before actually making a formal disclosure to the authorities, the Compliance Officer will have to seek advice from AC Group’s owner. AC Group’s owner will have the final decision on whether to make a formal disclosure to the authorities.
  • All members of staff, anywhere in AC Group, shall respond in full to all enquiries made by the Compliance Officer for the purposes of evaluating a suspicion report. Information provided to the Compliance Officer in response to such enquiries does not breach any confidentiality/professional privilege, and no member of staff shall withhold information on those grounds.
  • If it has been decided that a formal disclosure to the authorities is required, the Compliance Officer shall make such disclosure by the appropriate means.
  • The Compliance Officer shall document in the report log the reasons for deciding to make or not to make a formal disclosure.
  • The Compliance Officer shall where appropriate inform the originator of the internal report whether or not a formal disclosure has been made.
  • The Compliance Officer shall inform all those, and only those, members of staff who need to be aware of the suspicion in order to protect them and AC Group from possible money laundering offences in connection with any related business.
  • Following a formal disclosure, the Compliance Officer shall take such actions as required by the authorities in connection with the disclosure.



It is the policy of AC Group that from the moment a suspicion of money laundering arises, the registered account will be blocked. Neither commercial considerations nor the difficulty in responding to the enquiries of the persons registered on the platform on the matter shall be permitted to take precedence over AC Group’s legal obligations in this regard.


  • As soon as a member of staff forms or becomes aware of a suspicion of money laundering, the registered account will be blocked.
  • If there is any likelihood of the awareness that the registered account has been blocked, for example because an anticipated transaction has not gone through, the member of staff concerned must contact the Compliance Officer for instructions on how to handle the matter.
  • On receipt of a suspicion report, the Compliance Officer shall instruct the originator of the report and any other staff involved to block the registered account giving rise to suspicion
  • When an registered account has been blocked, the Compliance Officer shall carry out the evaluation of the suspicion report as quickly as possible to decide whether a disclosure must be made to the authorities.
  • If the Compliance Officer decides that there are not reasonable grounds to suspect money laundering, he or she will give consent for continuing the registered account on his or her own authority.
  • If the Compliance Officer decides that a disclosure must be made, he or she will request consent to continue from the AC Group’s owner as quickly as possible. The AC Group’s owner will have the final decision on AC Group’s continuation of the registered account.



It is the policy of AC Group that recruitment of all new staff will include assessment as described in section 48(2) of the European Money Laundering Regulations. (source PDF 2018 European directives AML). Screening will take place prior to appointment and at regular intervals during the appointment of all staff.It is the policy of AC Group that all staff who handle the registered accounts, or access to the registered accounts, shall receive anti-money laundering training to ensure that their knowledge and understanding is at an appropriate level, and ongoing training at least annually to maintain awareness and ensure that AC Group’s legal obligations are met.It is the policy of AC Group that all staff who handle the registered accounts, or access to personal data relating to such accounts, shall receive training on the law relating to data protection to ensure that their knowledge and understanding is at an appropriate level, and ongoing training at least annually to maintain awareness and ensure that AC Group’s legal obligations are met.The Compliance Officer shall, in co-operation with AC Group’s training officer and data protection officer, ensure that training is made available to staff according to their exposure to money laundering and data protection risk, and that steps are taken to check and record that training has been undertaken and that staff have achieved an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding.In the light of the seriousness of the obligations placed on each individual by the Law and the Regulations, and the possible penalties, the Compliance Officer shall ensure that information about these personal obligations is available to all members of staff at all times.The goal of the training is:

  • To develop AML reflexes
  • rise each staff member awareness, in order to maintain their AML reflexes
  • update collective and operational knowledge of the AML risks
  • train the staff members to detect suspicious cases
  • train these staff members to formalize new type cases with potential risks
  • check the appropriate knowledge of the procedures and the subsequent obligations,

The training of all the newly hired staff is part of their integration process, under the responsibility of the head of internal control. The head of compliance hold the training session. The session can be held by web conference.The training supports and attendance sheets, must be kept for at least 5 years after the departure of the specific collaborator.


  • Post appointment, staff assessment according to section 48(2) of the European Money Laundering Regulations will be incorporated into AC Group’s regular staff appraisal process.
  • The Compliance Officer will, in co-operation with AC Group’s training officer, evaluate alternative AML training methods, products and services in order to make
  • suitable training activities available to all members of staff who handle the registered accounts.
  • Suitable training will take into account:
    • the need to achieve a level of knowledge and understanding appropriate to the individual’s role in AC Group
    • the need to maintain that level through ongoing refresher training
    • the practicality of assigning different programs to staff with different roles on a risk- sensitive basis
    • the cost and time-effectiveness of the alternative methods and media available.
  • The training program will include means of confirming that each individual has achieved an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding, whether through formal testing, assessment via informal discussion, or other means.
  • Special consideration will be given to the training needs of senior management, and of the compliance team.
  • The Compliance Officer will:
    • inform every member of staff of the training program that they are required to undertake, and the timetable for completion
    • check that every member of staff has completed the training program assigned to them, issuing reminders to any who have not completed to timetable
    • refer to the business owner any cases where members of staff fail to respond to reminders and have not completed their assigned training
    • keep records of training completed, including the results of tests or other evaluations demonstrating that each individual has achieved an appropriate level of competence.
  • On completion of a training cycle, the Compliance Officer will ensure the continuity of ongoing training while giving consideration to:
    • the effectiveness of the program completed
    • the need to keep training information up to date with changes in laws, regulations,
  • guidance and practice.
  • The Compliance Officer will determine the training needs of his or her own role, and ensure that he or she obtains appropriate knowledge and understanding as required to fulfill the obligations of the appointment.



It is the policy of AC Group to monitor our compliance with legal and regulatory AML requirements and conduct an annual independent AML compliance audit, the findings of which are to be considered and appropriate recommendations for action set out.AC Group’s owner shall provide the necessary authority and resources for the ongoing implementation of a compliant AML regime.


  • The Compliance Officier will monitor continuously all aspects of AC Group’s AML policies and procedures, together with changes and developments in the legal and regulatory environment which might impact AC Group’s business-wide risk assessment. Any deficiencies in AML compliance requiring urgent rectification will be dealt with immediately by the MLRO, who will report such incidents to AC Group’s owner when appropriate and request any support that may be required.
  • The Compliance Officer will facilitate and assist the independent auditor in conducting an annual audit of AC Group’s AML compliance. This report will include:
    • a summary of AC Group’s money laundering risk profile and vulnerabilities, together with information on ways in which these are changing and evolving
    • a summary of any changes in the regulatory environment(s) in which AC Group operates and the ways in which AC Group is affected
    • a summary of AML activities within AC Group, including the number of internal suspicion reports received by the Compliance Officer and the number of disclosures made to the authorities
    • details of any compliance deficiencies on which action has already been taken, together with reports of the outcomes
    • details of any compliance deficiencies on which action needs to be taken, together with recommended actions and management support required
    • an outline of plans for the continuous development of the AML regime, including ongoing training and awareness raising activities for all relevant staff.
  • Where management action is indicated, AC Group’s owner will decide the appropriate action to be taken.


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After filling it out, you can send it to us by mail at the address described in the form or by sending it as an attachment to
Our services will reply to the e-mail address you provided in the form within a maximum of 7 working days.


The new EU regulation, colloquially known as DAC7, requires certain digital platforms, including Xlovecam, to provide the EU with information on revenues generated by service sellers using the platform.
Xlovecam complies with the EU DAC7 directive.

European Digital Services Act (DSA)

This page includes information relevant to the EU Digital Services Act (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on a Single Market For Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC) (the DSA).

Designated Point of Contact
In accordance with articles 11 and 12 of the DSA, the Compliance Officer has been designated as Xlovecam's point of contact for all communications concerning the DSA. These communications must be in English.

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